Boils are painful pus-filled bumps or sores that can occur anywhere on your skin. Boils on buttocks can occur due to various factors such as bacterial infection and STDs. Explore pictures, causes, signs and symptoms of boils on butt cheek or crack. Furthermore, learn tips on how to get rid of boils on your bum using suitable treatments and home remedies.
Signs and Symptoms
A boil is also called furuncle, carbuncle, pustule or abscess. This is a painful red raised bumps or lumps on the affected area of the skin and they are typically filled with pus. These bumps might appear on buttocks, inner thighs, groin, armpits or any other parts of your body.
Boils on buttocks can take various sizes depending on its causal agent. They can be large, small or tiny. In most cases, a boil can take red color due to inflammation and tenderness in the area affected. However, they might also appear pink, brown, yellow and dark depending on your skin tone.
Boils on the skin can easily confuse you with other types of bumps that are not filled with pus such as skin acne and rashes. It is important to learn the signs and symptoms associated with boil infection to avoid this confusion.
Boils are characterized by the following signs and symptoms that include:
- Painful red raised bumps on skin of the buttocks
- Tenderness and inflamed skin in the affected area of the bum
- Pus-filled or fluid-filled bumps that lay deep under the skin surface
- A pea-sized bump that grows into large hard and firm lump about the size of golf ball
- Bumps that have whitish or yellow color at their tops
- Bumps that leak out pus slowly
- Hard bumps that do not ooze pus but form a yellow crust on top of it
The infection of the skin with boils starts with a feeling of burning sensation in the affected area before a bumps show up. A painful small red bump appears on the skin that causes the adjacent part of the skin to become inflamed, tender and sensitive to pain.
After few days, the pea-sized bump gradually develops into large bumps that are about golf ball sized. The large bump becomes pus-filled with a yellow or white spot on its head. The bumps eventually rupture to leak out the pus that is with or without the bad smell.
Occasionally, some boils might not burst to release pus. Instead, they can form a yellow crust on the top of the raised bumps. A boil can also be in a form of fluid-filled blister that weeps out fluids that has no specific color.
The fluid-filled bumps can heal after the pus has been drained out. In case the boils on your buttock do not heal after even pus drained out, seek the help of the doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
Boils on Buttocks Pictures
Boils on the butt can appear in different forms. They can be tiny, small or large red bumps on the skin. To see how they might look like, we have inserted descriptive picture of boils on the buttocks in the relevant section of this post to show you how they can appear.
You may use the picture or images to evaluate your skin condition around your buttocks and get a clue about your health condition. Nevertheless, you should neither use the picture as a guide for self-diagnosis nor for treatment without the help of your doctor.
Causes of Boils on Buttocks
A boil on your bum can show up due to various reasons or factors. Some of the causal agents of the boils are benign conditions that might not advance into a chronic infection. Mild and tiny boils caused by minor causes can take few weeks to heal completely soon after the pus is drained out of the bumps.
Occasionally, some causal agent can lead to more serious skin damage with large pus-filled bumps that won’t heal and advance into health complication. It is advisable to visit your doctor for diagnosis and treatment in case your boil is becoming a serious skin problem.
The following are the possible causes that can lead to the development of boils on your buttocks:
1. Bacterial Infection
Skin infection with bacteria is the common causes of furuncles on the buttocks. Staphylococcus aureus is a known type of bacterium that is responsible for the formation of boils on the skin surface. This type of bacteria often lives on the surface of the skin.
The boils can show up when Staphylococcus aureus bacteria attack the hair follicle or oil gland on the skin. These bacteria damage the affected site to develop into painful red bumps that are finally filled with pus or fluids.
Bacterial that causes boil infection on the skin is contagious and it can be transmitted from an infect person to your through direct skin contact. You can also be infected by Staphylococcus on your skin when your skin becomes direct in contact with a contaminated surface like a seat that has active bacteria.
You can develop boil on your buttocks when you are exposed to risk factors that encourage the infection of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria in your skin. The common predisposing factors that encourage the infection of this bacterium include the following:
- A weakened immune system as a consequence of using certain strong medications, infection with HIV virus or having an underlying health condition like diabetics, liver infection and lung diseases.
- Poor nutrition that leads to nutrients deficiency in the body that can allow the bacteria to develop on the skin to cause
- Having open cuts or injuries on your skin that act as an entry of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria into your skin.
- If you are a carrier of Staphylococcus on your skin folds. This can lead to a continuous reoccurrence of boils on your buttocks.
- In case you have other skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis that leads to open cracks and sore on your skin.
- Excess cholesterol, oils, accumulated sweat, and skin debris can allow the Staphylococcus to grow and attack the oil glands to form boils.
2. STDs
Boils on buttocks can occur as a consequence of sexually transmitted disease (STD). The infection of syphilis, HIV, genital herpes and genital warts can lead to pus-filled bumps like boils on inner thighs, groin, around the anus and on buttocks.
If you notice a boils in your private area after having unprotected virginal or anal sex, it might be a symptom of a sexually transmitted infection. Once you notice a bump on your buttocks that has characteristic of a boil, it is advisable to visit your medical expert for diagnosis and treatment.
3. Ingrown Hairs
An ingrown hair on buttocks is another factor that can lead to painful bumps like boils. The ingrown hair boils show up when the hair grows sideways or curls underneath the skin to form a raised bump. This bump can develop into a boil when the tissue around the curled hair become swollen or inflamed.
Boils caused by ingrown hair can appear after shaving or waxing the hairs on your butt using inappropriate shaving techniques. Poor shaving procedure might block the opening of hair follicle hence encourage the hair to bend sideways and curl under the skin surface to form an ingrown hair boils.
4. Clogged skin Pores
Clogged skin pores around your buttock and the entire private area can encourage boils to show up. The blocked pores of the skin surface can lead to accumulation of sweats and harmful skin excretes inside the glands that may lead to inflammation and swollen sweat glands that advance into boils.
You might develop a problem of clogged skin pore on your buttocks when you don’t wash and maintain your body clean. Accumulation of sweats, grease, and dirt can block the skin pores and encourage boils to develop.
Also, wearing too tight cloth that does not allow free ventilation of air is another factor which may encourage the skin pores to clog. In addition, long hours of seated by using your buttock can also make the skin pore to clog and lead to the development of boils on buttocks.
5. Folliculitis
Folliculitis is a skin infection that may show up as painful red bumps on the affected site. This condition occurs when the hair follicles are attacked by fungi or bacterial infection. Folliculitis often occurs on inner thighs, groin, around the anus, and on buttocks.
6. Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Hidradenitis suppurativa is a rare cause of boil on buttocks. Like folliculitis, this condition is characterized by red fluid-filled boils that rupture to ooze out pus. Unlike folliculitis that occurs when the hair follicles are infected by bacteria or fungi, Hidradenitis suppurativa, occurs when sweat glands are infected by bacteria or fungi.
Boils on Buttocks During Period
Why do I get boils during my period? If these if your question, then you might not be the only one who experiences pimples on bum before period. The development of recurrent boils and rash before or during your periods is a common problem that affects many women.
According to medical research about women’s health, it attributes that boils on private parts during menstruation period are correlated to change of body hormones. Skin rash, acne, and boils can be triggered to show up on buttocks cheeks and around the crack as a consequence of the change of hormones during the time of your period.
The recurrent boils on bum during the period can also show up when you are not maintaining a high standard of cleanliness. Poor hygiene around the private area during your period can lead to accumulation of sweat, debris, and virginal fluids. This might encourage the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi that lead to the development of boils around your private area.
For the case of chronic bumps around your private region during your period that makes you feel a discomfort, you can visit your dermatologist to help in diagnosis and treatment.
Boil on Buttocks Cheek
Do your buttocks cheeks have any painful bump? It could be a boil infection. The buttocks are the most susceptible part your body that can be affected by boils infection. This is because that the skin tissue around your buttock is soft with more oil glands and hair follicle that can be affected by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria to form boils.
If you feel that your butt has a strange painful bump, you can remove your cloth in a private room and assess your skin condition. In case you find out that your buttocks cheek has a painful red raised lump, it might be symptoms of the boils infection.
Boil in Buttocks Crack
Butt crack is another part of your body that can develop painful raised bumps. Boils between buttocks might occur specifically around the anus and below the genital organs. In the female, it might even affect vulva while in male, it can show up below the scrotum.
The skin folds between the buttock cracks can encourage the development of Staphylococcus bacteria that can lead to the formation of boils. You can easily develop boils in your buttocks crack when you are exposed to a risk factor that encourages the growth of staphylococcus bacteria such as poor hygiene practices in your private area.
Also, other causal agents like std can also be the reason behind boils on your buttocks cracks. if you are having a problem of boils between your buttocks, you can see your dermatologist who can help you to fix the problem.
How to Get Rid of Boils on Buttocks
You can get rid of boils on your buttock using different treatment methods depending on the nature of the boils. However, you should avoid puncturing or squeeze the boil by yourself because this can lead to the spread of boil infection to other parts of your body that can lead to health complications.
You can seek the help of your doctor who can help in diagnosis and treatment in case you notice that boils on your skin are advancing into a more serious health issue. For the case of mild small bails, no need to go for medical treatment. You can alternatively use suitable home remedies that can help to get rid of boils instantly or overnight.
For the provision of medical treatment of the boils on buttock, you can visit your doctor. After visiting your dermatologist, he/ she will decide the appropriate diagnosis plan and treatment method that can help to solve your problem.
Your doctor might use the following treatment methods that include:
- Prescription of oral antibiotics for boils, antiseptic that include antibacterial soap and hand sanitizer liquids.
- Surgical incision that can help to drain pus from the inflamed boils
- Dressing the boils by using a gauze to help the pus to collect that may facilitate the healing process
Home Remedies
You can try the following home remedies that can help to get rid of boils on buttocks that include:
- Warm compress
You can warm compress a boil on your buttocks as a home remedy to relief inflamed tissue on the affected area. the process of warm compressing the affected area helps to increase blood circulation that allows white blood cell to fight the infection that initiates the process of healing.
How to use:
- Soak a washcloth in warm water for few seconds
- Use it to warm compress the affected area for about 20 minutes
- Repeat this procedure three times in a day until boils go away
- Salt solution
You can use the salt solution as a home remedy to get rid of boils on your buttocks. Salt solution has natural antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory abilities that can help to relieve boils infection. Also, it can soothe painful bumps on your skin and dry up pus in the area affected.
How to use:
- Mix one teaspoon of salt into one glass of warm water
- Use a cotton ball to apply the solution on the affected area of the skin
- Allow it to stay on your skin for 20 minutes before rinsing it off with water
- Repeat this treatment twice in a day
- Castor oil
Castor oil is an effective home remedy that you can use to treat boils on buttocks. The oil has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredients that can help to relieve boil infection. It can also soothe itchy boils and ease the pain.
How to use:
- Use water to clean the affected part of the skin and dry it off with a washcloth
- Apply few drop of the castor oil on top of the boil
- use your finger to spread the oil around the boils
- allow it to stay on your skin for the whole day
- Repeat this procedure three times in a day until the boils on your buttocks go away
- Alternatively, you can use tea tree oil, Neem oil, coconut oil, olive oil or any other essential oil instead of castor oil
- Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory abilities that can facilitate the healing of boils on buttocks.
How to use:
- Simply apply the Aloe Vera gel, cream or juice directly on the affected area of your buttocks
- Repeat the application of Aloe Vera three times in a day for few weeks until boils on your bum go away
- Baking soda
Baking soda is a powerful astringent reagent that can help to dry up pus on the boil to facilitate healing. It also has antiseptic properties that can help to kill harmful bacteria that cause boils infection.
How to use:
- Mix one teaspoon of baking soda powder with few drops water to create a paste
- Use your finger to apply the paste to the affected area
- Rinse it off with water after 20 minutes
- Repeat this treatment twice in a day until boils on your butt clear away
You can also use other suitable home remedies such as the application of turmeric, garlic, ginger, hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice, raw honey, apple cider vinegar, cumin seed or any other applicable home remedy that can help to get rid of boils on your bum.
How to Prevent Boils on Buttocks
Tips on how to prevent boil infection on your buttocks include:
- Avoid direct skin contact with individuals affected by boil infection.
- Maintain proper hygiene by bathing your body and washing your hand with antiseptic soap regularly.
- After having a boil, clean your clothes, bedding, and towel to prevent reinfection.
- Avoid the sharing of cloth, towels or any other sanitary items with other people.
- Dress any open cut or wound on your skin to prevent the entry of staphylococcus bacterial into your skin.
When to See a Doctor
You can see you doctor over the boil on your buttocks when you notice the following complications that include:
- When boils on buttocks has refused to go away within the period of three weeks
- When boils are causing severe scarring on your bum that looks worrisome
- If boils around your anus cause difficulties to egest feces
- If you develop severe inflammation (sepsis) on your buttocks
- If boils causes the adjacent tissue to inflame as for cellulitis infection
- When boils on skin affect the pelvic bone to inflame (osteomyelitis) that causes difficulties in walking and sitting.
- When the boils are spreading from the bum to other parts of the body
Sources and References
[showhide type=”links” more_text=”Show Sources and References” less_text=”Hide Sources and References”]
- Boils on the buttocks:
- Signs and symptoms of boils on the buttocks:
- Causes of boils on the buttocks:
- Causes of furuncles on the buttocks:
- Boils on the buttocks during periods:
- Boils on the buttocks cracks:
- Boil on buttocks cracks:
- How to get rid of boils on your buttocks:
- Treatment of boil on buttocks:
- Home remedies for boils infection: [/showhide]