Various health factors and lifestyle habits may lead to dark lips, which may taint your appearance. Fortunately, you can get rid of most dark lips naturally with home remedies or by use of various medications and treatments. Three are both temporary and permanent solutions to dark lips. The choice you go for depends on the type of results you need.
Causes of Dark Lips
Do you know how good it feels when you have soft pinkish or reddish lips? Only beautiful rosy lips can make your entire face to look beautiful and smart especially in women. This can make you feel proud of yourself and can boost your self-esteem to be confident when you present yourself to your friends and peers.
However, it can be unfortunate for you when you acquire darks chapped lips that may occur due to different reasons. It is important to know the reasons behind your dark lips so that you may use it as a guide on how to lighten dark lips.
The possible causes of dark lips include the following:
1. Smoking
If you are a smoker, dark lips might be a consequence of smoking. The smoke from tobacco products contains a harmful black material called tar that can stain your lips to look black in color. Also, the heat from the cigarettes can burn the delicate skin of vermilion zone of the lips to form black marks.
Chewing tobacco product also has a similar effect as smoking. The high amount of nicotine in the tobacco product can make your lips to become dry and chapped. More dangerously, smoking can increase the risk of getting any type of cancer in your body.
In general, the abuse of other illicit drugs that contain nicotine, cocaine or the abuse of alcohol has a similar effect of acquiring dark skin on lips. To escape the problems of dark lips, you can quit or avoid smoking.
2. Hyperpigmentation of the lips
Hyperpigmentation is a skin condition that can occur when cells that produce melanin (melanocytes) are stimulated to produce excess skin pigment (melanin).in most cases, your lips should look lighter in color compared to your skin tone. However, you may develop dark lips due to skin hyperpigmentation.
Skin hyperpigmentation can occur due to various factors that stimulate melanocytes to overproduce melanin. Exposure to harmful UV rays from the sun that can lead to solar lentigines, freckles, Melasma or actinic keratosis that can give your lip dark coloration.
3. Allergic reaction
You may develop a dark skin on the lips when the skin of your lips become in contact with a strange substance that can stimulate an allergic reaction. Certain fragrances and cosmetic dyes applied to the skin can induce allergic dark rashes on lips that cause black spots on the lips.
Dark skin on lips as an effect of allergic reaction might look alarming but it may not advance into a serious health problem. But you can get rid of such dark dots caused by the allergic reaction by learning how to lighten dark lips overnight with the help of simple home remedies.
4. Body dehydration
You may develop chapped dark lips due to body dehydration. This can happen to you when you are exposed to dry weather that can cause dryness on the skin. Also, inadequate intake of water or drinks can lead to dry dark and cracked skin on either lower or upper lip.
5. Change of body hormones
The sudden change of hormones in the body system has a direct effect on the skin of the lips. Dark lips can occur when hormones are released into blood during the time of stress and anxiety. Low level of thyroid hormones in the body can stimulate melanocytes to produces excess melanin on the skin.
Women can also develop dark lips during the time of pregnancy and menstruation period due to wide change of body hormones. Also at puberty and menopause stage can lead to black spots on lips as an effect of hormone change.
6. Certain medication
Dark skin on the lip surface can show up as a side effect of certain medication. Some medicinal drugs can stimulate melanocytes cell on the skin of the lips to produces excess melanin that gives you lip dark coloration.
In case you notice that your lips have turned to dark color during the time you are using certain medication, you should see you doctor to help you on how to lighten dark lips after using strong medication.
7. Caffeine
Why are my lips turning black and I don’t smoke? Lips turning black in non-smoker might occur as a side effect of drinking coffee and tea that has caffeine. Bad habit of taking excess hot coffee or tea can increase the risk of getting dark lips. The caffeine in the coffee or tea drinks can cause hyperpigmentation of the lips.
8. Toxins intake
Intake of toxin or poisonous substance into the body system can make your lips appear dark than normal. Consumption of heavy metals such as silver, mercury, lead, nickel, and copper can cause the skin of the lips to attain black spots.
9. Cosmetic products
Some cosmetic products applied on lips such as lipstick or lip balm are good to make your lips look attractive. However, when you use an expired product or the one that has harsh chemicals, it might disappoint you by leaving your lips to look dark with strange spots and patches.
10. Hereditary factor
The hereditary factor can be a reason why some people are born with dark beautiful lips. The trait of dark lips can be passed from parent to children. It is possible for you to inherit a trait of dark lips from your parent. For this case, dark lips are not a health problem.
11. Sun damage
Exposure to direct sunlight can cause your lips to develop black spots. Sunlight contains harmful UV light that can damage a delicate thin skin on your lips. This can lead to the formation of sunspots and age spots that can give your lips dark appearance.
12. Excess iron
Excess intake of iron into the body has a consequence of acquiring black spots on the lips. These dark spots can also affect other parts of the skin such as on face, scalp ears, and hands. You can develop this condition when you eat food that has a lot of iron or eating direct supplement of iron in your diet.
13. Vitamin B-12 deficiency
The deficiency of vitamin B-12 can lead to the formation of black spots on both lower and upper lip. The black spots on your lip can make the entire surface of the vermilion zone to appear dark in color. This problem can be solved by taking supplements of vitamin B in your diet.
However, eating vitamin B supplements might take a longer time before your lips lighten. You can lighten your lips overnight or instantly by seeing your doctor who can help you on how to lighten dark lips within few days.
14. Cancer
Melanoma is a known type of skin cancer characterized by chronic dark spots or bumps on the skin. This condition is rare but it can result in the development of dark lips with hard bumps that can easily bleed if something touches on it. If you notice this condition on your lips, it is important to see you doctor to help you in diagnosis and treatment.
15. STD’s
You may develop dark lips with scaring when you are infected with some of the sexually transmitted diseases (STD) such as syphilis, genital herpes, oral herpes, and HIV. The delicate skin of the lips can be affected by an STD or STI that may develop into black scars that give it a dark appearance.
16. Injuries
Physical damage to the delicate skin of the lips can be the reason for lips turning black and dry. Common causes of lip injuries include chemical burning, thermal burning, bruises or any other irritation on lips that can cause an open wound. Use of unfit dentures can also cause lip injuries.
Home Remedies for Dark Lips
If you want to brighten your dark lips to pink or rosy color, there are several method methods on how to lighten dark lips naturally at home fast. You can try the following home remedies that explain clearly on how to get rid of dark lips fast.
- Sugar Scrub
You can use sugar scrub as a home remedy to lighten dark lips. The rough texture of sugar scrub can help to exfoliate dark layer of the skin on your lips to give your bright and glowing pink lips. The sugar has also the ability to keep the skin of your lips moistens.
How to use:
- Mixt two tablespoons of sugar crystals and one tablespoon of butter to create a thick sugar scrub
- Apply the thick paste of sugar on the affected parts of lips with dark skin and use your hands to scrub it gently
- Rinse your lips with warm water
- Repeat this treatment two times per day for few weeks until you notice a change in your lips
- Lemon juice
Lemon juice contains nitric acid that has a natural power that can help to lighten dark skin. You can as well use lemon juice as a home remedy to get rid of dark lips. In addition, lemon juice is rich in vitamin and minerals that can help can help to nourish skin of the lips to give you soft, rosy and attractive lips.
How to use:
- Extract fresh lemon juice from a lemon fruit
- Apply the lemon juice to the affected areas of your lips with a dark skin
- Allow it to stay on your lips for about 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water
- For excellent results, repeat this procedure two times per day for few weeks until you lips lighten
- Beetroot
Beetroot is another ingredient that you can as a home remedy to lighten the dark skin on lips. Beetroot has enzymes, minerals, and vitamins that have natural bleaching abilities to brighten dark lips. Also, the natural red color of the beetroot juice can help turn your lips to pink.
How to use:
- Extract a fresh juice of beetroot
- Apply the juice to the affected parts of your lips with dark marks
- Allow the beetroot juice to stay on your lips for more than 30 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water
- Repeat this treatment twice per day until you acquire pink soft lips
- Alternatively, you can use carrot juice instead of beetroot juice to brighten your dark lips
- Olive oil
Olive oil has the ability to make your lips look bright and attractive. The oil contains natural nutrients that can help to nourish the skin of your lips to look pink or rosy. Olive oil can help to moisturize the skin of your lips to restore the natural color. How to lighten dark lips with olive oil is very simple:
- Use your hands to apply the oil to the affected parts of your lips with dark marks and massage it
- Repeat to apply it three times per day for few weeks until your lips lighten from dark appearance
- Honey and rosewater
You can use a mixture of natural honey and rose water to get rid of dark lips. The natural honey has the ability to brighten blackheads, zits, and any other blemish on the lips and this can help to give you rosy lips. Also, rosewater has the ability to soothe and moisturize the skin of the lips. It can also turn dark skin on your lips to natural pink tint.
How to use:
- Get rose petal and extract rosewater
- Mix one teaspoon of raw honey and one teaspoon of rose water
- Apply the mixture to the affected lips
- Allow it to dry for few minutes before rinsing it with cold water
- Repeat this treatment two times per day for few weeks.
You can use other home remedies to brighten your lip that includes, the application of coconut oil, almond oil, glycerin, Aloe Vera, apple cider vinegar, baking soda, cucumber juice or any other applicable home remedies.
Cosmetic Treatment of Dark Lips
Are you tired of having dark lips? You can use a modern cosmetic treatment method on how to lighten dark lips. These treatments can be done by the specialized profession. If you want to lighten your skin with a cosmetic procedure, seek the help of a dermatologist. There are various cosmetic procedures that you may use to lighten dark lips permanently that include:
1. Laser treatment
Laser treatment is a cosmetic procedure that uses a beam of strong light to resurface the skin. It can also be used to lighten dark lips overnight or instantly. Laser treatment can be either ablative or non–ablative.
You can use the ablative method to remove the top layer of the skin that has dark marks and spots. Alternatively, you can go non-ablative laser method that only stimulates the skin cell to lighten by making the collagen to grow and tighten under the surface of the skin.
2. Chemical peels
This is the application of special creams that can help to bleach dark lips. If you want to brighten your dark lips by the use chemical peels, it is advisable to visit a specialized dermatologist who can guide you on how to lighten dark lips with the use chemical peels permanently.
3. Dermabrasion and Microdermabrasion
Dermabrasion is a cosmetic procedure that uses plastic surgery to lighten dark skin fast with the help of special tools and equipment. After this cosmetic procedure, your lips will attain new bright layer that replaces dark one.
Microdermabrasion treatment uses tiny rough crystals to exfoliate the surface top dark layer of the lips. This treatment can help to lighten dark lips instantly.
How to Get Rid of Dark Lips Overnight
It is possible to lighten your dark lips overnight or instantly. There are several effective methods that you can use to brighten dark lips fast. If you want to get rid of dark lips, see a qualified dermatologist who can help you on how to brighten dark lips instantly.
The common method that you may use to lighten dark lips includes the following:
- Laser treatment
The application of laser treatment is the cosmetic procedure that may help to lighten the dark lips within a period of less than an hour. You can seek the help of the dermatologist who can help you on how to remove darkness around lips
- Microdermabrasion and Dermabrasion
This is the application of plastic surgery to remove the top dark layer of the lips. This procedure may lighten your dark lips with a day of treatment.
- Chemical peels
Chemical peels are another method that you can use to brighten dark lips instantly. This method uses acidic creams, gel or lotion that is formulated to lighten the skin by bleaching the dark color of the lips to rosy color.
- Sugar and lemon juice
A mixture of sugar scrub and lemon juice is an effective home remedy that you can use to lighten dark lips within 1 day or instantly.
- Moisturize the lips
You can help to get rid of dark lips by applying correct skin moisturizers such as petroleum jelly, olive oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter or any other appropriate skin moisturizer. Also, drink plenty of clean water that can help to keep your skin hydrated or moisten.
- Lip Balms or Lip Sticks
Apply lip makeup cosmetics such as lip balms or lipstick or to conceal your ark lips. You are free to choose a color that you like so long as it also conceals the dark lips. For example, very transparent makeup might not be a good solution as it might still expose the original color.
How to Get Rid of Dark Lips in a Week
Here is a procedure on how to lighten dark lips with a week:
- Olive oil, honey, sugar and lemon juice
This ingredient has a strong bleaching power that can help to lighten dark lips in 3 days. The sugar and lemon can help to exfoliate and bleach the skin while olive oil and honey have the abilities to moisturize the lips.
How to use it:
- Mix one teaspoon of granulated sugar with equal amount of honey, lemon juice, and honey
- Apply the mixture to the affected area of the lips
- Allow it to stay on your lips for about 20 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water
- Repeat this treatment twice per day within one week
- Other tips to lighten dark lips in a week
- Drink water to keep you skin moisten, this can help to prevent the development of chapped lips
- Use a suitable lip balm, creams, lotion or any other ark lips treatment products that can help to brighten your lips
- Avoid the use of skin care product that can irritate the lips such as harmful dyes and fragrance
- Avoid the habit of licking your lips which can encourage the development of chapped lips
How to Lighten Dark Lips Temporarily
If you want pink or rosy lips instantly, you can use lip balms, lipstick or creams that are formulated to keep your lips bright and moisten. If you use applies appropriate lip balms, it can help to give you very attractive pink lips. However, this is only a temporary solution that will last as long as you wear the lip cosmetics.
How to Lighten Dark Lips Permanently
If you want to lighten dark lips permanently, it is important to determine the main reason that may cause dark lips. This may guide you to go for appropriate treatment. Here are tips on how to get rid of dark lips permanently.
- Ensure that you treat the underlying condition that may cause dark lips.
- Use appropriate home remedies r medical treatment continuously according to the prescription from a health
- Use can select appropriate cosmetic treatment method such as laser treatment with the help of your doctor.
- Take a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and water that can help to nourish the skin of your lips.
Cosmetic treatment such as laser methods, chemical peels and surgical procedures like Dermabrasion and Microdermabrasion are common methods you can use to lighten dark lips. For effective permanent lip brightening, you can visit a qualified dermatologist how has the experience on how to lighten dark lips.
How to Treat or Cure Dark Lips
The use of makeups such as lipsticks if one of the methods you can use to treat your lips but it might not solve the problem of dark lips completely. Alternatively, medical treatment is the best option that you can go for that may help to treat and cure dark lips.
It is advisable to visits your doctor over the problem of dark lips especially when darkness is caused by diseases. Your doctor may decide the appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan to use on how to lighten dark lips on your mouth region.
Your doctor may use the following treatment method to lighten your dark lips;
- Prescriptions for medicinal creams that are formulated to lighten dark skin.
- Laser treatment that uses either ablative or non-ablative procedures to lighten the skin of the lips.
- Surgical procedures that can help to remove chronic dark patches and spots on the lips.
- Chemical peels that include creams and lotion that has the ability to bleach dark lips.
Sources and References
- Dark lips causes:
- Causes of dark lips:
- Major causes of dark lips:
- Home remedies for dark lips:
- Home remedies on how to lighten dark skin on lip:
- How to get rid of dark lips:
- Cosmetic treatment of dark lips:
- How to get rid of dark lips in a week:
- How to brighten lips permanently:
- How to treat and cure dark lips: