A lump on vagina often shows up on the vaginal lips (labia minora or majora) or around the vaginal area. They may be hard or soft, raised or flat, itchy or not itchy. They are often an indication of some health problem, whether they are painful or painless. This post presents, pictures, various causes, signs and symptoms of bumps of vaginal lumps. Furthermore, it highlights how to get rid of and prevent them with medical treatments and home remedies.
Signs and Symptoms of Lump on Vagina
It can be worrying when your vaginal area develops strange bumps or lumps. These bumps are a common condition that can occur to you during the years of bearing your child. They can also appear at your menopause stage when you become more aged.
Vaginal lumps can appear inside the walls of vagina or vulva. Bumps on the vulva (opening of the vagina) can appear typically on outer virginals lips or on inner vaginal lips that include labia minora and labia majora.
Bumps on your vaginal area can appear in different forms depending on their causes. They can appear as hard cysts, soft bump or fluid-filled blister. Vaginal bumps can also vary in size that ranges from tiny pimples to large lump like a boil.
Other than the above, a lump on your vaginal area might show up by the following signs and symptoms that include:
- Tiny or large bump on vaginal lips
- Single or numerous bumps on vaginal area
- Redness, tenderness and inflamed vulva
- Fluid-filled blisters or sores on female private parts
- Red, pink, yellow, white or skin colored bumps on labia
- Painful, itchy, burning skin on vaginal area
- Vaginal discharge with bad smell
- Difficulties to pass out urine and play vaginal sex
Lumps on your vagina can also accompany other strange symptoms such as fever, headaches, vomiting, skin rash and others. It is advisable to seek the help of your doctor in case you notice that your vaginal area has a strange lump that is likely to be a serious health problem.
Causes of Lump on Vagina
A bump on your vagina can appear due to various causes. These causes can result in either harmless vaginal bump or to a more complicated health issue. The common possible causes that can lead to the development of a lump on your vulva and vagina include the following:
1. Vaginal Cysts
These are small firm lumps that typically appear on the vaginal wall. Their sizes vary from a tiny pimple to pea-sized bump. Vaginal cysts are usually painless and harmless and they cannot advance to a serious health problem.
These bumps can appear in your vagina after trauma or injuries that can occur during the process of childbirth. There is no need to remove these bumps unless they cause a discomfort to you during sex. Sometimes, vaginal cysts can be removed through a surgical procedure or by draining out the bump.
2. Vulvar cysts
A lump on your vulva could be vulvar cysts. These are painless hard bumps that may develop on outer vaginal lips or on labia minor and majora. Vulvar cysts are caused by the clogged glands in the vaginal area.
This type of bump on your labia can go away without medical treatment. However, you can seek the help of your doctor when vulvar cysts are infected by bacteria or fungi to form a large painful pus-filled bump.
3. Ingrown hair cysts
A lump on vaginal lip under the skin after shaving or waxing the pubic hair could be an ingrown hair cyst. The ingrown hair bumps are usually small and round in shape. They can be slightly painful or itchy and sometimes filled with pus.
Your skin can develop ingrown hairs due to poor shaving techniques that encourage the curling or sideways growth of hair underneath the skin surface to form a bump. When ingrown hair cysts are infected by bacteria, it can lead to a skin condition known as folliculitis.
4. Fordyce spots
Fordyce spots on vulva are usually characterized by small yellow or white lumps. They can occur on the outer of vaginal lips or inside the vaginal lips. These bumps normally appear during puberty stage and they become more prominent as you age.
The Fordyce spots develop from sebaceous glands that are located on the skin surface. They occur when you develop oil disorder in your body. The presence of Fordyce spots on your vulva might be totally painless and harmless but they have unpleasant look.
5. Varicosities
Naturally, the vaginal area is highly vascularized with blood vessels. Varicosities can occur when a vein in your vulva become swollen to form a large lump. This type of bump can appear on labia minora and majora.
This condition can happen to you during the pregnancy period. The bump can go away few weeks after giving birth. Varicosities on your vulva can make you feel heavy and itchy but there is no need for you to go for medical treatment because the condition is totally harmless.
6. Lichen sclerosis
A lump on vagina can appear to you due to Lichen sclerosis. This condition is usually common in women who have attained menopause. The condition can show up symptoms such as severe itchy white pumps on vulva and anus.
Occasionally, it can form blood-filled blisters that can burst and bleed. The condition can also be associated with wrinkles of the skin of your vulva.
7. Skin tags on vulva
These are small bumps that appear as protruding flaps of raised skin. The Skin tags are totally painless and harmless. However, they can lead to a discomfort when you irritate them by rubbing it. When the skin tags on your vulvar are becoming bothersome, you can get rid of it by removing it surgically with the help of your doctor.
8. STD infection
Your vagina can develop strange bumps as a consequence of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) or infection (STI). Some of STD that can lead to bumps in your vaginal area includes the following:
- Genital warts: it is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) that can spread through anal or vaginal sex. This infection is usually characterized by a cluster of small bumps that are itchy and burning on the skin of the vaginal area.
- Genital herpes: the infection is caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). The infection is highly contagious through oral, vaginal and anal sex. It can show up symptoms that include fever, sores on the vagina, and pain in lower abdomen.
9. Allergic reaction
The exposure of your vaginal area to harmful material or substance can lead to an allergic reaction that might show up symptoms of bumps on vagina. The common substances that can induce an allergic reaction in your vagina include famine sprays, detergents, tampons and spermicide contraceptives.
10. Cancer
Cancer of the vagina is a chronic rare condition that can lead to the development of a lump on vagina. The cancerous condition is usually associated with symptoms such as:
- Hard flat or raised lump on vulva
- The color of the skin on the affected area turn to lighter or darker
- Severe pain, itching or burning sensation in vaginal area
- Skin thickening in the affected area
- Sores that can bleed easily
- Strange vaginal bleeding and discharge
Cancer of the vulva is common in women who smoke and chew tobacco products. Also, being infected by HPV can increase the risk for you to get cancer. It is advisable to seek the help of your doctor for diagnosis and treatment in case you notice strange symptoms on your vaginal area that is likely to be an indication of a cancerous condition.
Lump on Labia Minora or Majora
Labia minora is a small skin fold of inner vaginal lips while majora is a larger skin fold of the inner vaginal lips. It is possible for vaginal bumps to appear on your labia minor and major. However, these bumps can also occur on outer vaginal lips.
The common causes that can lead to the formation of a lump on your labia minor and major include vulvar cysts, vaginal cysts, Fordyce’s spots, Lichen sclerosis, Varicosities, STD infection, allergic reaction, skin tags and cancer.
Hard Lump on vagina
There are various causes that can lead to vaginal lumps that are characterized by hard bumps. These bumps can be raised above the skin lie under the skin of the vaginal area. Most of the hard vaginal bumps are not filled with pus or fluids.
The common causes that are associated with hard vaginal lumps include ingrown hair cysts, vaginal cysts, vulvar cysts, Fordyce spots or granules, genital warts, Varicosities, hard skin tags and cancerous bumps.
You can remove hard bumps from your vaginal area by visiting your doctor who can help you in surgical treatment.
Painful Lump on Vagina
The development of painful, burning or itchy bumps on your vagina could be an indication of an infection. Your vaginal lip can develop painful lumps due to conditions such as STD infection, Lichen sclerosus, and cancer.
Painless bumps on your vagina can also become painful when they are infected by bacteria or fungi. For instance, Fordyce spots, ingrown hair cysts, vaginal cysts, and vulvar cysts are generally painless but the can develop into painful lumps after they are infected by bacteria or fungi.
How to Get Rid of Lump on Vagina
You can get rid of lump on your vagina using various treatment methods depending on the condition of the bump. For the case of few, tiny, mild, painless and harmless lumps on your vagina, you can use home remedies to remove it.
Alternatively, you can go for medical treatment by visiting your doctor in case you vagina has large painful lumps that are likely to advance into health complication.
Home Remedies
You can use the following home remedies that can help to remove harmless, tiny, few and mild bumps from your vagina. They include:
1. Aloe Vera
You can use Aloe Vera as a home remedy that can help to remove lumps from your vaginal area. Aloe Vera has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to relieve swollen bumps on your vagina. Also, it can help to soothe itchy lumps on your labia.
How to use:
- Use warm water to clean your vaginal area and pat dry it with a washcloth
- Apply the Aloe Vera gel, cream or juice to the affected area
- Let it sit on your skin for about 10 minutes before you rinse it off
- Repeat this treatment two times daily until the lumps on your vagina go away
2. Hot compress
Hot compressing your vaginal area with warm water is an effective home remedy that can help to remove lumps from your vagina. Hot compressing helps to increase blood circulation in the affected area that can facilitate the healing of swollen vaginal lips.
- Get 2 cups of warm water in a basin
- Soak a washcloth into the warm water for few minutes
- Use the washcloth to hot compress the affected area of your vagina
- Repeat this treatment three times daily until lumps on vagina clear away
3. Lemon juice
Lemon juice contains citric acid that has the antiseptic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to relieve swollen bumps on your vaginal area.
How to use:
- Get 3 teaspoons of lemon juice
- Soak the cotton ball into the juice
- Apply it directly to the affected parts of your vaginal area
- Let it stay on your skin for about 10 minutes before rinsing it off
- Repeat this steps twice daily until lumps on your vagina go away
4. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to remove vaginal bumps. It can also help to soothe itchy lumps on your vaginal lips.
How to use:
- Get ½ cup of apple cider vinegar
- Soak a cotton ball in the solution
- Apply it directly to the affected parts of your vagina
- Leave it to stay in your vagina for 10 minutes before you rinse it off with water
- Repeat this procedure three times daily until lumps on your vulva and vagina clear away
5. Coconut oil
Coconut oil is an excellent home remedy that you can use that can help to remove lumps from your vaginal area. It has the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help in to remove vaginal lumps. In addition, it can help to soothe an itchy lump on vagina.
How to use:
- Wash the vaginal area with warm water and pat dry it with a towel
- Apply the coconut oil to your vaginal lips
- Allow the oil to stay on your vaginal area for the whole night or day
- Repeat this treatment two times daily until the vaginal cysts clear away
6. Salt solution
Washing your vaginal area with salt solution is an effective home remedy that can help to remove lumps from your vulva. Salt has the anti-inflammatory ability that can help to relieve swollen bumps on your vagina.
How to use:
- Get 2 cups of warm water into a basin
- Add 2 teaspoons of salt and mix it
- Wash your vagina with the salt solution
- Pat dry it well with a towel
- Repeat washing it three times in a day for few weeks until lumps on your vagina clear way
Medical Treatment
Medical treatment is another method that you can use to remove lumps from your vagina that are likely to advance to a more serious health problem. You can visit your doctor to help you in medical treatment.
Your doctor will determine the cause of your health problem using suitable diagnosis plan before giving you the appropriate medical treatments. Some of the treatment methods that your doctor might use to remove lumps from your vaginal area include:
- Prescription of oral medication that can help to heal the underlying infection that causes vaginal bumps.
- Prescription of ointment creams for private parts that can help to clear away lumps from your vaginal area.
- A surgical procedure that can help to remove chronic large bumps from your vaginal area.
How to Prevent Lump on Vagina
According to Mayo Clinic, they attribute that it is difficult to prevent the growth of vaginal lumps but you can escape the problem of vaginal lumps by using the following tips:
- Always prevent the infection of sexually transmitted disease by having a protected vaginal, anal or oral sex.
- Use correct shaving techniques to prevent the growth of ingrown hair cyst on pubic area.
- Maintain a proper hygiene around your vaginal area
- Wear loss-fitting underwear that does not exert pressure on your labia
- Avoid rough vaginal sex that can cause trauma or injuries of wall of the vagina
- Eat a balanced diet to build your body immune system to be strong
- Practice physical exercise of your body can help to prevent lumps in your vagina
- Keep away from harsh allergens that can irritate your vagina
- Avoid smoking that can cause vulvar cancer
When to See a Doctor
You can see your doctor over a lump on vagina if your notice the following conditions that include:
- When the vaginal lumps has persisted for more than three weeks without improvement
- If the bump on your vaginal area is painful, itching or burning that you cannot withstand
- If the vaginal lumps are associated with other strange symptoms such as fever, headaches and vaginal discharge that has bad odor
- When the lumps on your vagina causes difficulties in passing out urine or prevent you from enjoying sexual pleasure
- If the bumps on your vagina cause bleeding when something touches on it
Sources and References
[showhide type=”links” more_text=”Show Sources and References” less_text=”Hide Sources and References”]
- Lump on the vagina: https://www.healthcentral.com/article/vagina-lumps-bumps-what-are-they
- Signs and symptoms of vaginal lumps: https://www.webmd.com/women/guide/vaginal-cysts-causes-symptoms-treatments#1
- Causes of vaginal lumps: https://www.healthline.com/health/womens-health/vaginal-lumps-bumps#causes
- How to get rid of vaginal lump: https://www.wikihow.com/Treat-Vaginal-Cysts
- Treatment of lumps on the vaginal area: https://www.livestrong.com/article/13151-treat-vaginal-cysts/
- Home remedies for a lump on the vagina: https://www.top10homeremedies.com/home-remedies/home-remedies-vaginal-cysts.html [/showhide]