A mole on face may be big or small, flat or raised, hairy or not hairy. Generally, moles on face are benign (not cancerous) and hence only a cosmetic problem. However, having a new, itchy or bleeding mole on face may be bothersome and worrying. This post highlights the possible causes of moles on face. Also, it outlines how moles on face can be treated or removed for medical or cosmetic reasons. In addition, this post explores the various psychic meanings of moles on face.
What is a Mole on Face? Appearance, Shape, Size, Color, and Texture
What is a mole? A mole is also known as nevus (plural, nevi). It refers to a small colored spot on the skin that is formed due to abnormal division or growth of skin cells called melanocytes. Melanocytes are the cells that produce melanin in the skin.
Melanin is a pigment that determines the natural color (pigmentation) of your skin. Increase melanocyte leads to the production of too much melanin which affects the skin causing a mole to develop. A mole can also develop due to the production of too little melanin by melanocyte cells.
Moles on face may be present at birth as birthmarks or develop later after birth. According to WebMD. “Most moles appear in early childhood and during the first 25 years of a person’s life. It is normal to have between 10-40 moles by adulthood.”
Moles can develop on any part of your skin individually or clustered in groups. However, moles usually appear on the head, face, neck, back, chest, and breast. They can also be found on lips, inner lips and even on tongue.
Normally, different moles have different colors. Generally, moles tend to be brown, black, pink and red. Other colors for moles include gray, white, green or color of the flesh. Moles may also have multiple
The sizes of moles on face vary from large, medium to small and they can be flat moles or raised moles. Normally, moles have a round in shape, although they can also have an oval or irregular shape. Some moles on face are hairy while others are not hairy
What Causes Moles on Face
The causes of moles on face are certain factors that interfere with the normal physiological processes of melanocyte cells. As a result, abnormal multiplication of the melanocyte cells occur, leading to the development of moles on the affected area
Whereas some of the factors that cause moles on the face are hereditary, others are connected to lifestyle habits. Some people have as little as one to three while others have lots of moles on face. According to dermatologists, the common causes of moles on the face are associated with the risk factors in the section below.
Risk Factors for Moles on Face
Heredity: Some individuals have inherited genetic characteristics that make them predisposed to develop moles on their faces. When heredity is the cause of moles on your face, the moles usually run in the family and are sometimes present at birth
Sunlight: Sunlight is considered a major factor that causes moles on face. Too much exposure to Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun interfere with the skin cells leading to the formation of moles. This may happen during sunbathing.
Age: Teenage to middle-aged people tend to develop moles on their face more than other age brackets. This is probably due to the change in physiological process at different age brackets.
Poor Diet: A poor diet may cause the production of toxic substances in the body, especially in the liver and the intestines. The toxins may, in turn, interfere with skin cells in a way that may lead to the formation of moles on face.
Liver disorders: Some problems in the liver may because it may malfunction. This may cause accumulation of toxic substance. The toxic substances in the liver may affect the skin in a way that causes moles on your face.
Hormonal disorders: If you experience hormonal imbalance you may develop moles on your face. Probably, this is why women may develop new moles during pregnancy, when some may experience severe hormonal changes. However, you may have hormonal disorders without being necessary pregnant
Psychological problems: Psychological issues like anxiety, stress or depression may cause hormonal imbalance. As a result, this may cause development of moles on your face.
New Mole Appearing on Face Suddenly
It is rare to have sudden appearance of new moles on face. However, new moles may abruptly develop on your face due to underlying health issues like poor immune system. There is a likelihood that the new moles on face are either precancerous or cancerous.
In some cases, existing moles may grow bigger with time. If you develop of new moles or you have growing moles on the face have them examined by a dermatologist because these are some of the common signs of melanoma.
Bleeding Mole on Face
A mole on your face may bleed due to physical injury, especially if it is raised. However, if the mole keeps bleeding without any physical injury, it might be an indication that it is either infected or it is cancerous or precancerous.
Bleeding moles without physical injury should be examined by a dermatologist who will then give appropriate advice. Such moles are usually removed whether or not they are cancerous to get rid of the inconvenience and discomfort caused by the bleeds. If they are cancerous, they are treated in addition to removal.
Black Mole on Face
A deeply pigmented black mole on face is common. Although dark pigmentation may be an indication cancerous or precancerous mole, dark moles on face are usually non-cancerous unless they exhibit the other characteristics of cancerous moles. Nevertheless, it is important to have the moles examined and even screened for cancerous cells.
Brown Mole on Face
Just as with black mole on face, dark brown mole on the face is very common. Brown moles on face are usually noncancerous but need to be examined and screened to rule out cancerous cells. Even when it is not a medical problem, a brown mole may a cosmetic blemish that you may need to remove if you feel uncomfortable having it.
White Mole on face
Statistically, there are no known dangers of having white moles on your face. However, depending on your completion, white moles on face may be a more of a cosmetic than a medical problem.
Flat Mole on face
A flat mole on face is formed when the melanocyte cells do not multiply significantly to produce a mass of tissue. In this case, the mole appears simply as a spot on the skin.
Raised Mole on Face
If the melanocyte cells multiply on a particular part of your face so much, the cluster of the cells may accumulate to form a mass tissue that will be raised above the natural level of your skin. Like flat moles, raised moles are usually benign. However, they can also be malignant, especially if they exhibit the signs of malignant moles.
Small or Tiny Mole on Face
Small mole on face does not usually indicate any medical issues. It is normal to have one or two small moles your face. Apparently, very many people have a few moles on their faces. In case they are tiny, they may not blemish your face significantly and hence they do not have to be removed.
Big or Large Mole on Face
Having large mole or moles on your face is not only a cosmetic issue but also a medical problem. Statistically, large moles are likely to be cancerous. So in case you have a large mole or moles on your face, do not just have them removed without being examined and screened for cancer cells.
Lots of moles on face
Having very many moles on face could be an indication of melanoma, although not always. So if you have lots of moles on your face have them screened for cancer cells.
Cancerous Moles on Face
In general, moles are classified as benign (non-cancerous moles) or malignant (cancerous moles). Cancerous moles are medically known as melanoma or malignant melanoma. Moles which are cancerous have typical signs and symptoms. Nevertheless, you cannot confirm that a mole is cancerous just because of these signs and symptoms.
Usually, moles with the signs and symptoms of melanoma are considered suspicious until they are screened to confirm whether or not they are melanoma. In case a mole that exhibits the typical characteristics of melanoma is found to be non-cancerous, it is normally classified as a precancerous mole.
Precancerous Moles on Face
Precancerous moles are those moles that exhibit the signs and symptoms similar to those of cancerous moles but on screening, they are found to be non-cancerous. Such a mole is medically known as an atypical mole or dysplastic mole or more commonly dysplastic nevi. Alternatively, the mole may also be described as an abnormal mole in contrast to a normal mole.
Signs of Cancerous Moles on face
How do you know whether a mole is cancerous? What do cancerous moles look like? Although it is difficult to conclude that a mole on your face is cancerous, there are clear signs that indicate that a mole is not normal and hence is suspicious. If you have a suspicious mole, you need to immediately see your dermatologist or healthcare provider to examine and screen it for melanoma or skin cancer.
Like moles on any other part of your body, the signal and symptoms of cancerous moles on face can be summarized by the ABCDEs of melanoma. With the ABCDE’s of melanoma, you can be used easily to point out moles on your face that are likely to be cancerous. The letters stand for the main characteristics, which summarize the typical signs and symptoms of cancerous moles as compared to non-cancerous moles. They have the following meanings:
- A – Asymmetrical. The general shape of cancerous moles is such that one-half does not match the other half i.e. asymmetrical shape. On the other hand, noncancerous moles usually have a shape with matching halves i.e. Symmetrical
- B – Border: A mole is likely to be cancerous if it has irregular or ragged In contrast, non-cancerous moles usually have smooth and regular borders.
- C – Color. Whereas cancerous moles tend to change their colors or have multiple colors, noncancerous moles usually have one general uniform color that does not undergo change.
- D – Diameter. A mole that has a large diameter is more likely to be a cancerous mole. Non-cancerous moles usually have smaller If your mole is larger than 1⁄4 inch or 0.6 cm, it could be cancerous.
- E – Evolving. In this case, evolving refers to any change that occurs on the moles. A mole that undergoes any change is likely to be cancerous. An evolving mole is one that undergoes changes in size, shape, color or becomes itchy or inflamed. These changes may occur abruptly or take place gradually over a long period of time. So, it is wise to closely monitor the moles periodically in order to be able to notice the changes the earliest possible.
Causes of Cancerous Mole on Face
- Exposure to excessive Ultra Violet Radiation (UV light) may lead to formation of cancerous moles on face
- Nature of your skin – people with fair skin are more likely to develop cancerous moles
- Weak Immune System – people who have weakened immune system are more prone to cancerous moles
- Hereditary Factors – in some cases cancerous moles on face run in the family
How to Remove Moles on Face
Usually, you do not have to remove moles on your unless they pose a threat to your health. However, you might need to have the moles removed because of a number of reasons, which include:
Reasons for Removing Moles on Face
- Cosmetic reasons: A mole on your face may be unsightly and hence affect your self-esteem. As a matter of fact, your face is an open part of your body that predominantly determine your overall appearance. Having unsightly moles removed will definitely restore your beauty and hence your self-esteem.
- The moles cause you discomfort. A non-cancerous mole might cause discomfort, especially when it is protruding. This might happen when it gets accidentally snagged or rubbed by the washcloth as you shower. It might also be obstructive when removing facial hair, during which time it might also be grabbed by the shaving machine and cause pain. The solution to such problems is to have the mole removed
- The moles are cancerous or precancerous: Part of the procedure for treatment of moles on face is to have them removed. On the other hand, precancerous moles can be removed without any further treatment.
Methods of Removing Moles on Face.
The choice of the method for removing moles from your face depends on many factors. The common factors considered include the cost, duration of removal, the pain, and healing time and the desired result. For example, there are methods which might leave a visible scar while other leave no or invisible scar. Some of the methods that can be used to clear moles on face include.
- Cutting off the Mole (Mole Removal Surgery)
- Freezing off the Mole (Cryotherapy): In this method, the mole is subjected to extremely cold condition using a suitable freezing substance like liquid nitrogen. As a result, the mole will shrivel and drop off after some time.
- Burning off the Mole (Cauterization). This method involves subjecting the mole to heat which may be produced electrically (Electrical Cauterization) or from a chemical substance (chemical cauterization). As with freezing off, the mole will shrink and drop off.
- Laser Mole Removal: Laser mole removal utilizes focused light to remove the mole. Due to the high precision level, laser mole removal causes minimal damage to the surrounding skin. Therefore, it is the preferred way of removing a mole without leaving a visible scar or mark. Accordingly, it is an ideal method of getting rid of a mole on your face for cosmetic reasons
- Use of Mole Removal Kits: A mole removal kit is a complete set of equipment and products that are required for mole removal and are usually sold as one set.
- Use of Mole Removal Cream: Mole removal creams are substances that are applied on the mole to destroy it. With time, the mole shrivels and falls off. Use of mole removal creams is preferred by those who might find the other methods too invasive and/or painful to them.
Treatment for Moles on Face
When the moles on face are found to be cancerous or precancerous, they are not just removed, as the cancerous cells might spread to other parts of the body. Instead, they need to be treated and at the same time removed. The choice of approach used to treat cancerous moles on face depend on the size, stage, general health and the preferences of the patient. The common methods used to treat moles on face include
Mole Removal Surgery
Generally, moles are be treated by simple surgical procedures like shave or excision. However, other methods of removing moles on your face include cauterization, cryotherapy, laser surgery and radiosurgery. In other procedures, mole removal creams are used to treat and remove moles on face.
This method of treatment involves the use of drugs to kill the cancer cells. Chemotherapy is usually administered through veins, as pills or both. After being administered, it travels throughout your body and kills the cancer cells.
Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy involves the use of high-power energy beams like X-rays to destroy the cancer cells. Normally, this procedure is used to treat cancer cells that have spread from the mole to other parts of your body.
Immunotherapy (Biological Therapy)
Unlike the other methods immunotherapy that is aimed at strengthening your immune system so that it can fight cancer and destroy cancer cells. Usually, the procedure uses substances which are produced by the body, although similar substances produced artificially can also be used.
Targeted therapy
This method uses medications that target specific vulnerable aspects of cancer cells. They are only used when the cancerous cells have certain genetic characteristics that can be exploited by these medications.
Mole on Face Meaning
Usually, moles on face are considered in terms their medical and cosmetic implications. However, moles on face, especially those that are present at birth, are thought to represent various psychic meanings.
The meanings of moles on face are based on the beliefs of certain communities in different parts of the world. The communities that stand out in ascribing psychic meanings to moles include the Chinese, Hindu, and Muslim.
In these beliefs, the development of a mole on the body is thought to be influenced by ecclesial bodies – planets in particular. As such, the belief that planets influence development and hence meanings of moles on the body is often referred to as mole astrology. For moles on face, it is referred to as mole on face astrology.
The procedure of determining the meaning of a mole on the face is called mole reading. Normally, the meaning of the mole is determined based on its location, shape, color, and appearance. In most cases, mole reading on face is often determined by its location in which case the procedure is called mole mapping.
Usually, the meanings of a mole are predictions on the future destiny or character on an individual having it. The moles are generally considered to be lucky moles or unlucky moles depending on whether thy represent a good or bad destiny or character. Some of the common meanings of moles on various parts of the face are as summarized below:
Meanings of a Mole on Forehead
- If you have a mole in the middle of the forehead, it means creativity and diligence: In case the mole on your face lies in the middle or center of the forehead, it is an indication that you will be a very creative and hardworking person. Hence, you can make a great leader in the world of business or a very successful in entrepreneurship, especially in as a manager of an entrepreneurial firm.
- In case the mole on your face lies on the right side of the forehead, it indicates wealth and fame: A mole on the right side of the forehead is a good luck mole. It indicates that you will accumulate vast wealth in your lifetime. Accordingly, you will accord good reputation and will belong to the high social status in the community.
- If the mole on your face lies on the left side of the forehead, it means selfishness and disregard: A mole on your face that is located on the left side of the forehead is bad news. It means that you will lead a selfish and carefree lifestyle. As a result, you will have bad reputation in your community. Your life will very miserable because of these undesirable qualities.
Meanings of a Mole on Temple
- The mole on your face might lie on the right temple, in which case means great ability: If the mole lies on the right temple, it signifies that you will have an outstanding ability and metal power. You will use these coveted great qualities to achieve notable wealth. As a result, you will build an excellent and excellent reputation in the society. Many people will admire your notable status.
- Is the mole on your face located on the left temple? It means extravagance: On the other hand, a mole located on the left temple is bad news! It implies that the individual will have little or no sense of the value of money. Such an individual will be extravagant and imprudent in his/her expenditures. These bad habits will render the individual miserable and very poor. Besides, it will ruin his reputation in the society.
Meanings of a Mole on Cheek
- If a mole on your face is located on the right cheek, it denotes respect and generosity: If the mole is located on your right cheek, it means that you will respect others and care about their welfare. You will honor your parents and other members of your family and readily help them whenever need Your distant relative and your neighbors will also benefit from your kindness and help.
- If a mole on your face is located on the left cheek, it denotes arrogance and introvert behavior: In contrast with a mole on the right cheek, a mole that lies on the left cheek is a sign that you will be arrogant to your relative and friends. The result of this behavior will be many problems in your community. Despite this, you will still enjoy your old age because your children will take good care of him.
Meanings of a Mole on Chin
- If you have a mole at the middle or center of your chin, it indicates nobility: A mole at the middle of your chin signifies that you will be a principled and moral person. Hence, you will get a lot of praise from the whole society, who will admire your social stature.
- The mole may also lie on the right side of the chin, in which case it indicates rationality and diplomacy: A mole on the right-hand side of your chin means that you will ben very eloquent and charismatic. You will effortlessly win many souls to your side by your appealing speech. In addition, you will be very a famous and wealthy person in your life.
- If the mole lies on the left of your chin, it indicates straightforwardness and extravagance: A mole on your left cheek means that you will be open and always speak your mind. Therefore, you will probably appear arrogant to others, which will make the people hate you. In addition, you will be very extravagant and will spend their money carelessly.
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Sources and References
[showhide type=”links” more_text=”Show Sources and References” less_text=”Hide Sources and References”]
- Moles, Freckles, and Skin Tags: http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/guide/moles-freckles-skin-tags#1
- Moles: http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/moles/Pages/Introduction.aspx
- Flat Mole Removal on the Face: http://www.livestrong.com/article/280762-flat-mole-removal-on-the-face/
- Best Treatment for Black Moles on Face? https://www.realself.com/question/lot-black-moles-face-rid-kind-treatment
- What does your mole say about you? http://www.speakingtree.in/allslides/what-does-your-mole-say-about-you
- What does a mole on your face tell about your future? http://www.rawread.com/post/story/1423/what-does-a-mole-on-your-face-tell-about-your-future [/showhide]