Red spots on legs or feet may be itchy or not, raised or flat. They are usually an indication of various skin conditions. The conditions may be mild such as allergies or serious such as cancer, which requires urgent medical attention. Explore pictures, causes, signs and symptoms of red spots, dots or patches on legs and feet. Also, learn how to get rid of them with treatments and home remedies.
Signs and Symptoms
Have you ever experienced the formation of red dots or patches on legs? This is a common skin condition that may show up to anybody regardless of the age, gender and race. However, red dots on legs may not appear similar to everybody. The symptoms of red spots on legs may vary from one individual to another depending on the causal agent.
It is important to be conversant with the possible signs and symptoms related to red, dots, marks or patches on legs. This can provide a background knowledge that may give you a clue about the health condition of your skin.
The signs and symptoms of red spots or patches on legs include the following:
- Raised red spots or bumps on the skin
- Flat pink, brown or red dots and patches
- Fluid-filled red blisters that are either itchy or not itchy
- Crusted bumps
- Tiny pinpoint-sized red dots or large visible spots
- Few and little spots on skin or sometimes numerous
- Irregular itchy red, brown or pink patches
Other signs and symptoms of red spots on the legs due to some underlying condition in the body:
- Fever
- Red dots on other parts of the skin
- Vomiting and nausea
- A headache or any other body pain
- Itchy skin
- Loss of appetite
- Joint hemorrhage
Signs and symptoms of red blotches on legs may vary from one person to another. For instance, some spots may appear as mild rashes on the skin that may not hurt you. Occasionally, red marks on the legs can cause intense irritation that may cause the urge to scratch it leading to a more serious skin condition.
If you notice other strange symptoms that may accompany red spots on your legs it is advisable to seek the help of your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
Red Spot on Legs Pictures
Red spots or patches on legs can appear in different forms. It can range from small dots to large bumps or patches. We have inserted illustrative pictures of red spots, dots or patches on legs in various parts of this post to show you how these spots may look like.
You can use these images to get a clue about your skin condition. However, you should not use these pictures as a reference for self-diagnosis and treatment without the help of your doctor.
Causes of Red Spots on Legs
Red dots or patches on legs can appear due to various causes. The type and nature of the spots may vary depending on the causal agent. Some causal agents may lead to mild spots on your legs that can go away within few days. For such case, no treatment is required.
On another hand, a red mark on your legs might be a symptom of a more serious health condition that can hurt you. Despite causing discomfort to you they can as well affect your beauty by making your skin to look less attractive.
The common factors that may lead to the formation of red spots, dots or patches on the legs include the following:
1. Allergic reaction
Red spots on your legs can develop due to the consequence of an allergic reaction. you may develop red rashes when your skin became direct in contact with a strange substance such dust, pollen grain, detergents, plant poison or any other allergens that can cause skin irritation.
Hives and contact allergic dermatitis are known skin conditions that can show up due to an allergic reaction. Hives are skin rashes that can appear suddenly and go away within few hours.
2. Birthmarks
These are colored dots or patches that may occur on your skin since birth. Birthmark may appear as red, brown or pink in color depending on your skin tone. These spots develop due to abnormal protruding of a blood vessel on the skin surface. These spots are quite harmless to you and they are not signs of any health condition.
3. Acne
Acne is a skin condition characterized by mild or severe bumps that may show up on the skin. Acne on the skin can occur due to change in body hormones. Red spots on legs during pregnancy, puberty, and menopause might be acnes that are stimulated to develop due to hormone change in the body.
4. Keratosis pilaris
This is a benign skin condition that may occur when there is an overproduction of keratin protein on the surface of the skin. This condition can manifest on the skin as painless red, brown or pink hard bumps located around hair follicles. Typically, they may occur at the back of legs, on thighs and on buttocks.
5. Cherry angiomas
These are domed shaped red bumps that may occur anywhere on your body including the skin of the legs. These bumps develop when blood vessel beneath the skin surface clump together. Cherry angiomas are a harmless skin condition.
6. Insect Bites
Insect bites are common causes of red spot on legs and also other parts of the body. A parasitic insect such as bed bugs, mosquitoes, mites, fleas, and flies can cause insect bites. Also hostile insect such as bees, spider and wasp can attack your skin to cause a red dot.
7. Certain medication
The use of certain drugs to treat an underlying condition in your body might cause blotches on your legs as their side effects. Cytotoxic is a known drug that is used to treat arthritis but they can cause red spots to show up on the legs because of blood leakage beneath the skin surface to form red marks.
8. Heat rash
These are common causes of red spots on legs of infants, toddlers or young babies. Under rare cases, teens and adult may develop a heat rash. The rashes can develop when sweats are trapped under the skin in clogged skin pores. The Hot and humid condition is a risk factor that can cause heat rash.
9. Eczema
This is a skin condition that is characterized by inflamed red itchy patches. The primary causes of this condition develop from irritants such as nickel, ivy poison or any other harsh irritants. The condition may also develop from secondary causes such as autoimmune disorders.
10. Psoriasis
This is a chronic skin condition that is associated with red spots surrounded by silvery whitish patches on the affected area of the skin. Psoriasis develops when the skin cells multiply beyond the normal level. This condition may lead to red bumps that may persist or come and go each time on your skin.
11. Rosacea
Rosacea is another chronic skin condition that can lead to red tiny pimples like rashes on the affected area. The condition normally affects face but it can also occur on the skin of the legs.
12. Petechiae
Red spots on the legs may appear as consequence of bursting of tiny blood vessels under the skin surface leading to a skin condition known as petechiae. This can result in flat, oval, round or irregular patches.
These blotches are more visible and prominent after showering. Red spots on legs after showering might be the as an effect of petechiae. However, showering is not the cause of these red marks but it just makes them more visible.
13. Vasculitis
This is a serious medical condition that can cause inflammation of the blood vessel in the affected area. This condition can result in the formation of red blotches to develop on legs and other parts of the body. If you develop this condition, it is advisable to seek the help of your doctor for treatment.
14. Folliculitis
These are red bumps that may develop on the skin when hair follicles are infected by bacteria or fungi. The condition is common after shaving the hair from the skin hence the name razor rashes or bumps.
15. Schamberg’s Disease
This condition is characterized by red spots that spread from the legs to other areas of the skin of the body. This condition is usually painless and it develops when blood vessel under the skin surface leaks blood under the surface of the skin to form red blotches.
16. Erythema Nodosum
This is a rare skin condition that can occur when skin cells get inflamed and develop tiny red dots on its surface. Also, other symptoms such as body pain and fewer may be felt.
17. Skin cancer
Skin cancer is a chronic health condition that can cause red spots on legs. Skin cancer can result in various red, brown, black, or white hard bumps on the skin that can easily bleed when something touches.
Other rare conditions that may lead to red marks on the legs include the following:
- Rubella
- Lupus
- Kawasaki’s disease
- Chickenpox
- Scabies
- Dermatofibroma
- Scarlet fever
- Impetigo
- Lyme infection
- Stasis dermatitis
Red Spots on Lower Legs
Red blotches on lower legs can appear in different forms depending on the causal agent. These spots can be in form of flat patches or raised bumps that look like pimples. Also, some red spots on lower legs can itchy and cause intense irritation. However, you may develop spots that are not itchy.
The development of red marks on the lower legs can be an indication of either benign or serious health condition. For mild rashes on the lower legs, it might be signs of skin condition that may not advance into serious health problems. Occasionally, red blotches on lower legs might be an indication of a more serious health condition that requires medical treatment.
The spots on lower legs can show up due to any of the causal agent that causes to red spots on legs that are already been discussed in these post. Some of these factors include allergic reaction, eczema, insect bites, folliculitis or any other skin diseases.
Red Spots on Legs and Feet
Red spots and patches on the skin of the legs and feet is a common condition that can affect anybody. These spots may appear specifically on the feet or sometimes can spread from the sole of the feet, ankles to upper parts of the legs.
Fungal infection is the main cause of tiny red dots on the lower parts of feet and between the toes. However, other causes of red spots on the skin can as well lead to red or pink rashes and patches on the feet.
In most cases, red spots on feet might not be signs of serious health condition. But sometimes, you may develop chronic spots on feet that spread to upper parts of the legs that won’t go away easily. For this situation, it might be signs of more serious health problem that needs medical treatment.
Red Spot on Legs Itchy
Itchy red spots or patches are a skin condition that can make you feel restless. Itchy bumps on the legs that look like mosquitoes bites can induce the urge to scratch it with your finger. Scratching itchy spots on your skin can even lead to more skin problems especially when then the spots get infected by bacteria.
You can scratch the itchy spot on your legs gently using your hand to relieve irritation but ensure you don’t cause an open bruise on your skin. This is because open wound on the skin surface can act as an entry of harmful pathogens into your body that can cause more serious health problems.
Occasionally, you can develop red dots on legs that don’t itch. These might sign of harmless skin condition but they can make your skin look less appealing.
Red Spot on Legs Not Itchy
The skin of your legs can show up as red spots that may not itchy. Most of the times, red spots on the skin of the legs that are not painful may be a sign harmless condition. These spots can go away even without the use of medical treatment.
The common potential cause of non -itchy red dots on legs include birthmarks, acne, angiomas, keratosis pilaris, heat rash, allergic reaction, boils and pityriasis rosacea. If you notice any strange painless spots or patches on your legs, it is advisable to determine the main causes before going for treatment.
Home Remedies
You can use home remedies to get rid of mild red spots on legs that may not advance into serious skin condition. You can try the following methods that include the following:
- Lemon juice
You can use lemon juice as a home remedy to get rid of red spot or patches on your legs. Lemon juice has citric acid that has the ability to bleach red marks on the skin.
How to use:
- Mix one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and one teaspoon of raw honey
- Clean the affected area of the skin with warm water and dry it off with a towel
- Apply the mixture on the affected parts of the skin
- Allow it to stay on your skin for about 20 minutes before rinsing it off
- Repeat this treatment two times per day for few weeks until red spots on your legs lighten
- Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to heal red spots on the skin of the legs. The herb also can soothe itchy spots on the skin to relieve irritation.
How to use:
- Clean the affected part of the skin with warm water and dry it off with a washcloth
- Apply the Aloe Vera cream, juice or gel in the affected parts of the skin with red spots
- Allow it to stay on your skin for about 30 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water
- Repeat this procedure twice per day for few weeks until red spots on legs go away.
- Coconut oil
You can use coconut oil as a home remedy to get rid of red spots on your skin. This oil has antiseptic properties that can help in the healing of red spots on the skin. Coconut oil also can help to soothe itchy spots and moisturize the skin.
How to use:
- Clean the affected area of the skin with warm water and dry it off with washcloth
- Apply the coconut oil on the affected parts of the skin
- Repeat this treatment two times per day for few week
- Apple cider vinegar
You can use apple cider vinegar as a home remedy to bleach red spot on your legs. The reagent has the acidic property that can help to reduce harmful bacteria and fungi that can cause red spots on the skin.
How to use:
- Dilute one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with two teaspoons of water
- Apply the solution on the affected parts of the skin
- Allow it to dry before rinsing it off with cold water
- Repeat this treatment two times per day for few weeks until red spots on your legs go away
- Baking soda
Baking soda is an effective home remedy that can help to lighten red spots on the skin of the legs. it can also help to relieve red inflammation on the skin.
How to use:
- Mix one teaspoon of the baking soda with few drops of water to create paste
- Apply the paste on the affected parts of the skin
- Allow the paste to dry before rinsing off with cold water
- Repeat this treatment two times per day for few weeks until red blotches on legs go away
You can use other home remedies to get rid of red spots on legs such as oatmeal, sugar scrub, banana peels, tomato juice, egg white or any other suitable home remedies.
Medical Treatment
Medical treatment is another alternative you can use to get rid of red spots on your legs. Medical treatment is the best method you can go for when red spots on your skin are a sign of more serious skin condition. You can visit your doctor who can help you in the diagnosis and treatment these spots.
Your doctor might use the following treatment method to get rid of red spots on your skin that include the following:
- Prescription of steroid creams that can help to treat and cure rashes on your legs
- Laser treatment that uses a beam of light to remove red blotches on the skin.
- Prescription of oral drugs to treat the underlying condition that cause red spots on legs.
- Chemical peels that include the use of special acidic creams formulated to bleach red spots on the skin surface.
When to See a Doctor
You can see your doctor over red spots on your legs when you notice the following conditions:
- When red spots on your legs cannot go away within a period of three weeks
- When red blotches on your legs are itchy or cause intense pain that makes you feel a discomfort
- If the spots on your legs are spreading to other parts of your body
- If the red spots on your legs are chronic hard bumps that can bleed easily when something touches
- Red spots, dots or patches on legs:
- Signs and symptoms of red spots on the legs:
- Causes of red spots on the skin of the legs:
- Red spots on lower legs:
- Red dots on lower parts of legs and feet:–ankles-and-legs/show/2121533
- Itchy red spots on legs:
- Non-itchy red spots on legs:
- How to get rid of red blotches on legs:
- Home remedies for red spots, dots or patches on legs:
- Home remedies for red marks or patches on the skin of the legs: