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Boil on Vagina, Vulva, Vaginal Lips, Painful, Pictures, Causes, STD, Get Rid, Treatment & Home Remedies

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A boil on vagina appears as a painful bump or sore on vulva, vaginal lips (labia minora or majora). It is a common heath problem that affects many women. Vaginal boils can appear due to various conditions, especially yeast infection, bacterial infection and STDs. Explore pictures, causes, signs and symptoms of boils on female private parts or area. Also, learn how to get rid of them with treatments and home remedies.

Signs and Symptoms

It is unfortunate if you develop strange symptoms of painful skin abscess, sores or boils on your vaginal. These bumps are a private issue but they can really stress, disappoint and embarrass you especially if they look worrisome.

If you experience a development of stressful bumps on your vagina and on pubic region, you are not the only one. This is a common problem that might occur to any women. A boil on vagina is our main topic in this post that we try to discuss on how we can help you hence keep reading.

Vaginal boils are painful pus-filled abscess or bumps that can develop under the skin of the vagina walls. Also, these bumps can show up on the outside parts of the vagina. They can develop on vulva, labia and around the pubic area.

The vaginal boils can appear in various forms depending on the causal agent. These bumps can be tiny, small or large in size. Their sizes may range from tiny raised pimples to large lumps on the skin that are about the size of golf ball.

You can easily identify the vaginal bails by considering the following signs and symptoms that are outlined below:

  • Itchy skin before the bumps develop
  • Painful or burning sensation in vagina, labia, and vulva
  • Redness, tenderness and inflamed walls of vagina
  • Raised bumps or lumps on the labia, vulva and vaginal walls
  • Pus-filled sores or fluid-filled blisters
  • Strange discharge from the vagina with bad odor
  • Pain and difficulties to pass out urine
  • Severe pain on walls of vagina during sexual intercourse
  • Bumps that has yellow or white center
  • Hard lump that does not have the  pus on vagina, labia, and vulva
  • Crust of sores on vaginal lips
  • A cluster of bumps on the pubic region, labia, vulva, vagina and groin region.

Other strange symptoms can also accompany vaginal boils. For instance, you may develop fever, headache, swollen lymph nodes and others.

Boil on Vagina Pictures

For you to see how they might look like, we have inserted illustrative pictures on the boil on labia, vaginal lips and vaginal walls in the relevant sections of this post. Due to moral concern, these pictures are only provided for the purpose of medical use.

You may use these pictures or image to assess your genital area and get a clue about your health condition. However, do not use it as a reference for self-diagnosis and treatment without the direction of your doctor.

Causes of Boil on Vagina

The problem of boils on vagina, labia, vulva and pubic region is a common medical issue that can attract your attention to know their causes. Generally, there are many reasons behind the development of vaginal boils. Some of the causes include:

1. Sexually transmitted disease (STD)

Boils and sores can appear on your vagina, labia, and vulva as a result of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Painful red sores and blister on your vaginal lips and wall after having unprotected oral, anal or vaginal sex could be a symptom of an STD infection.

The common sexually transmitted diseases that can lead to vaginal boils include genital warts, genital herpes, HIV, and syphilis. These infections are characterized by the inflammation, redness that is associated with boils on the genital organs.

Genital wart is a viral infection caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). The infection can lead to the development of small boils that can occur on labia, vulva, and on walls of the vagina. Usually, this boils may take the color of your skin.

Genital herpes is another viral infection that occurs as a result of herpes simplex virus type 2. This virus is highly contagious and it can spread through sexual activities. Genital herpes has a consequence of fluid-filled boils that burst, ooze, and crust over.

Syphilis is a bacterial infection that can spread by sexual activity. Treponema pallidum is a type of bacteria that can lead to chronic sores and blister in the genital area. This infection can advance into a serious health complication if not treated on time.

HIV is a known infection that can lead to death. The HIV virus weakens the body immune system that may allow the opportunistic infection to attack your body. Consequently, it can lead to chronic sores on your genital organs.

2.  Staphylococcus bacteria on vagina

Staphylococcus aureus bacterial is another factor why you might develop a boil on vagina. These bacteria commonly attack the follicles of the pubic hair. These bacteria can lead to the development of painful pus-filled bumps on the genital area.

The staphylococcus bacterial is not one of the sexually transmitted infections. However, staphylococcus bacteria are highly contagious and it can spread through any direct skin contact with an infected person including the sexual activities.

These bacteria usually stay on the surface of the skin folds and inside the nasal cavity. It can lead to an infection when it enters your skin through an open cut, sores or cracks on your skin. This means if you have a minor cut or sore on vaginal you can easily be infected by staphylococcus bacteria.

Also, you can be infected by Staphylococcus when you are exposed to risk factors that can encourage the infection of boils such as:

  • Bruises, cuts or cracks on the skin of labia, vulva and on walls of the vagina, this wounds can act as an entry of bacteria into your body to cause an infection of boils.
  • Due to weakened body defense mechanism as a consequence of an underlying infection such as diabetes, HIV, liver infection, lung disease, kidney infection and others.
  • As an effect of nutrients deficiency due to poor nutrition that leads to a weakened immune system that might allow an infection of boils.
  • Poor hygiene practices around the genital area that can allow the accumulation of sweats, vaginal fluids, and dirt that can encourage the growth of the staphylococcus bacteria.
  • Presence of other skin infection that can lead to sores and wound on the pubic area which can encourage the infection of staphylococcus bacteria.

3. Ingrown Hairs

Vaginal boils can develop due to ingrown hair bumps. These bumps can occur when the hair inside the follicle curls or grows sideways. The raised bumps of an ingrown hair can appear on pubic area, vulva, and labia.

An ingrown hair boil on vagina can show up after shaving the pubic hairs using inappropriate shaving techniques. Also, wearing too tight cloth that exerts pressure on your skin can encourage the hairs inside the follicle to curl or grow sideways leading to an ingrown hair boil.

4. Folliculitis

Folliculitis is a skin condition that occurs when the hair follicles are infected by bacteria or fungi. This condition is usually characterized by painful red bumps on the skin. The hair follicles on labia, vulva and pubic area can be attacked by bacteria and fungi which can lead to painful boils.

5. Hidradenitis suppurativa

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a skin infection that may result in painful boils that might look similar to that of folliculitis. This condition can occur due to the infection of the oil gland on the skin by bacteria or fungi.

6. Poor hygiene practices

A boil on vagina can develop as an effect of poor hygiene practices around the genital area. The accumulation of sweats, vaginal fluids, grease and skin debris are the risk factors that can encourage the boil to show up.

7. Allergic reaction

You can develop a painful bumps, rashes or boils as a consequence of an allergic reaction on the skin. Hives are an example of the boils that can show up on your skin when you become in contact with a strange substance that can induce an allergic reaction.

The skin of vaginal lips can develop boils if it gets an irritation from harsh chemicals, detergents, poison ivy and other harmful substance. Allergic contact dermatitis is a medical term that is used to describe the skin condition that develops bumps due to direct in contact with allergens.

8. Vaginal yeast infection

A normal healthy vagina has a balanced amount of bacteria and yeast. The overgrowth of yeast can lead to candidiasis infection. This infection can lead to the development of rashes, boils, soreness and itchy vagina.

It can also cause a white or gray clumpy fluid that discharges from the vagina. Usually, the virginal discharge might accompany bad smell. The risk factors that can encourage vaginal yeast infection include:

  • The use of strong antibiotics that kill good lactobacillus bacteria in vagina that control the growth of yeast
  • Weakened immune system due to other underlying infection like diabetes and HIV
  • Change of hormones during pregnancy, menstruation and menopause period
  • Stress in the body that weakens the immunity of the body
  • Poor hygiene practices around the genital area

You can prevent the problem of yeast infection and vaginal boils if you avoid the risk factors that can favor the overgrowth of candidiasis in your vagina.

9. Clogged skin pores

A boil on vagina, labia and vulva can appear due to clogged skin pore.  The blocked skin pores can lead to swollen sweat gland due to the accumulation of harmful skin excretes. The swollen sweat glands can develop into painful boils.

The problem of clogged skin pores is caused by poor hygiene on your skin that allows sweats, greases and skin debris to block the small pores on the skin. Also, wearing too tight cloth on your private area can lead to blocked skin pores.

How to get rid of Boils on Vagina

You can get rid of vaginal boils using various treatment methods depending on size and type of the bumps. You can use home remedies to treat small sized boils caused by less harmful causes such as allergy reaction, yeast infection, and ingrown hairs bumps.

For the case of large chronic boils on the vagina that is caused by serious infections such as STDs, bacterial infection, and yeast, you can alternatively go for medical treatment by visiting your doctor.


After visiting your doctor, he/she can make the diagnosis through physical inspection and assessment of the infected area. Your doctor might also take samples of blood and tissue from the affected area. This sample can be taken to the laboratory for more investigation to determine the main causes of boil infection in your private area.

Basing on doctor’s report and sample results, your doctor will decide the appropriate treatment method to use that can help to cure vaginal boils.

Some of the treatment methods that your doctor might use include:

  • Prescription of antibiotics, antifungal and antiviral drugs that can help to heal the boils on the vagina
  • Surgical incision by using sharp tools like scalpel to drain the pus from the bump
  • Dressing of gauze on the boil that can help the boil to ripe and collect pus in order to facilitate the process of healing

Home Remedies

For the case of having a tiny or small mild boil on vagina, no need to go for medical treatment. You can use natural home remedies as a method of treatment that includes:

  1. Lemon juice and raw honey

A mixture of lemon juice and raw honey is an effective home remedy you can use to get rid of furuncles on the vagina. Lemon juice has natural acidic properties that act as the antiseptic that can help to kill harmful microorganism in the vagina that can lead to infection of the boil. Raw honey has a soothing ability that can help to relieve itchy boils on the vagina.

How to use:

  • Mix ½ glass of lemon juice with 2 teaspoons of raw honey
  • Use a cotton ball to apply it to the affected area of the vagina
  • After 30 minutes, rinse your vagina with warm water
  • Repeat this procedure three times in a day until you are relieved from the infection of boils
  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a natural remedy that can help to cure boils. The herb has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to facilitate the healing of boils infection in your vagina.

How to use:

  • Clean the affected area with warm water and pat dry it with washcloth
  • Apply the Aloe Vera cream, gel or juice directly to the affected area
  • Rinse it with warm water after about 20 minutes
  • Repeat this application three times in a day for few weeks
  1. Salt solution

Salt is known to be an effective anti-inflammatory reagent that can help to relieve the infection of boils on the skin. It also has a natural antiseptic property that can kill the harmful pathogens on the skin that leads to boils infection.

How to use:

  • Mix 2 teaspoon of salt into one cup of water
  • Soak the washcloth into the solution
  • Use the soaked washcloth to apply it to your vagina
  • After the application, rinse your vagina with warm water
  • Repeat this procedure three times in a day until vaginal boils go away
  1. Castor oil

You can use castor as a remedy to get rid of a boil on vagina. This oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory ingredients that can help to heal a boil on the skin.

How to use:

  • Use warm water to clean your vagina and pat dry it with a towel
  • Use a cotton ball to apply the oil to the affected area
  • Allow the oil to stay in your vagina the who day
  • Repeat this procedure three times in a day for few weeks until vaginal boils go away
  • Instead of castor oil, you can use other essential oil such olive oil, Neem tree oil, lavender oil and almond oil
  1. Warm compress

Warm compressing the boil is an effective home remedy that can help to ease the inflammation in the affected area. It also helps to increase the flow of blood to the affected site that allows white blood cell to come around the boil. This white blood can help to fight against harmful pathogens that cause boils.

How to use:

  • Get hot water in a basin
  • Soak the washcloth in warm water for few seconds
  • Carefully warm compress the affected area several times
  • Repeat this treatment three times in a day for few weeks until the vaginal boils go away

How to prevent Boil on Vagina

Boil infection is a contagious disease that can spread from one person to another through various ways such as direct skin contact, sharing of cloth and sanitary items. You can escape boil infection by avoiding factors that might encourage boil infection. Also, you can prevent risk factors that can lead to an infection of boils on your vagina.

Here are tips on how to prevent boils on labia, vulva, vaginal lips and vaginal walls:

  • Avoid direct skin contact with people infected with boils
  • Maintain good hygiene in your genital area by cleaning it with antiseptic soap and dry it
  • Avoid the sharing of cloth, washcloth, towels or any other items used in sanitary
  • Dress open wounds, cuts, and cracks on your skin by covering it to avoid the infection of Staphylococcus bacteria
  • Exfoliate the pubic area gently to reduce the problem of ingrown hairs
  • change your razor regularly to reduce the risk of infection of ingrown hairs
  • After boil infection, ensure you clean your cloth and bedding with suitable antiseptic soap
  • Ensure you go for treatment if you have other skin infection that can lead to cracks, sores, and wounds on your skin.
  • Treat any other internal body condition that might weaken the immune system
  • Take a balanced diet to build your body immunity to me more strong

When to See a Doctor

You can visit your doctor over a boil on vagina if you notice the following condition:

  • If boils on your vagina has refused to heal within a period of three weeks
  • When boils on the vaginal lips and walls are causing difficulties in passing out urine
  • When the bumps on your vagina are causing severe pain and itchiness
  • If the boils on your labia, vulva, and vagina are large chronic lumps that look worrisome
  • If you develop strange bumps on vagina after unprotected sex

Sources and References

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  1. Boils on the vagina: https://www.healthline.com/health/womens-health/vaginal-boils#modal-close
  2. Signs and symptoms of vaginal boils: http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/b/boil/symptoms.htm
  3. Causes of boil infection in vagina: http://homehealthbeauty.in/people/women/vaginal-boil-causes-treatment-and-home-remedies/
  4. Causes of vaginal boils: https://www.healthcentral.com/article/what-causes-boils-vaginal-area
  5. STD infection on the vagina: https://www.stdcheck.com/std-symptoms-vaginal-bumps.php
  6. Staphylococcus on the vagina: https://www.justanswer.com/ob-gyn/0o372-vaginal-staph-infection-want-know.html
  7. How to get rid of boil on the vagina: http://homehealthbeauty.in/people/women/best-way-to-get-rid-of-vaginal-boil-fast/
  8. Treatment of vaginal boils: https://www.healthline.com/health/how-to-get-rid-of-a-boil#treating-large-boils
  9. Home remedies for vaginal boils: http://homehealthbeauty.in/people/women/home-remedies-for-a-boil-on-vaginal-lip/
  10. How to prevent boils infection: https://www.healthline.com/health/womens-health/vaginal-boils#prevention [/showhide]

Posted Comments [3]

  1. My sister had a boil on her Virgina and after boasting out the boil, the place swell up and become stony for 3yrs now and it’s still like not painful. What can she do for her Virgina to back to normal?

  2. Has been itchy but smooth red skin in labia majora for weeks. Now a bump has appeared. It’s not nearly as itchy as it was now. I had originally thought psoriasis. What is it???

    • From the description, it is likely to be psoriasis of the vulva. It usually appears as a smooth, non-scaly redness that may be itchy. Scratching the affected area may lead to an infection, create dryness, and result in thickening of the skin and more itching. Vaginal psoriasis usually affects the outer skin of the vagina (labia majora or the area around the vagina) because psoriasis does not normally affect mucous membranes (inner vagina or urethra).

      With a bump appearing, other conditions are possible. We strongly advice you to visit a gynecologist for definitive diagnosis of your condition and appropriate treatment.


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