Various conditions may lead to red bumps on legs or lower legs on back of legs. Similarly, the red bumps may appear on the feet, top or bottom or side of feet or on your toes. Occasionally, the bumps look like sores or blotches on your skin. These bumps may be itchy or not. Explore the possible causes of red bumps on legs and feet and learn how to get rid of them, including treatments and home remedies (with pictures).
Signs & Symptoms of Red Bumps on Legs, Feet and Toes
The signs symptoms of red bumps on legs and feet may vary depending on the cause of the bumps. General signs and symptoms include:
- Hard or soft raised red lesions
- Red sores, blisters or blotches
- Itchiness and burning
Causes of Red Spots on Legs and Feet
The surface of your skin can tell more about the health condition of your body. Red bumps on legs and feet might be a sign and symptom of having a problem in your body. Not every red bump on legs and feet are painful, some bumps are benign hence harmless to you. Despite being harmless, they can make your skin to look less attractive.
Red spots on legs and feet can appear to you due to various reasons. The following are the causes of red spots on legs and feet:
1. Insect bites
Insect bites on your skin can result in the formation of raised red bumps on the legs and feet. Â An insect can bite your skin without your notice. This is because your legs and feet have fewer networks of nerves endings.
Some insect has poison venom that gets injected through the skin into your body during a bite or a sting. Presence of venom or poison saliva of an insect into the body stimulates the immune system to have a feedback that results to series of allergic reactions on the skin.
In addition, insect’s venom from bites and stings can induce a serious health condition called anaphylactic shock. The condition is common to people with high sensitivity to the venom. Anaphylactic shock can affect the breathing system and make the process of breathing difficulty.
It is difficult to differentiate red bumps that result from skin infections and bumps that are caused by insect bites. Here are some of the signs and symptoms of having an insect bite:
- Painful red bumps on legs, feet, arms or any other part.
- Multiple swelling on one point of the skin.
- Hot lumps on the affected area with a sting.
- Pain in Muscle at the affected
- Rashes on the skin surface.
- Red spots on legs and feet
Some insects like bees, wasps, spider, flies, and mosquito have painful bites or stings that can harm you and it is easy to recognize the type of insect that attacked you. However, some bites are not painful but they affect your skin to develop red spots on legs, arms, feet and other parts of the body. The following are an example of insect bites you can encounter:
Mosquito bites
Mosquitos bite can cause a raised red bumps on legs and feet. Red round puffy bumps appear immediacy you are bitten by the parasitic mosquitoes. These bites result into red bumps that harden and swell up. One mosquito insect can result to several bites on one area.
Mosquito bites are always painful because the insect has a tubular mouth that pierces into the skin to allow sucking process of blood from vessels. This insect also injects saliva into your skin that leads to allergic reaction. Mosquito bites are dangerous because they can spread malaria infection from one person to another.
Fly bites
Fly bites can also form red spots on legs and feet. The tsetse fly is an insect that is common in tropical Africa. This insect can cause painful bites that develop into red bumps on the legs and feet. Sandy and deer flies can also bite your skin and cause red spots on the skin.
Bed bug bites
Bed bugs usually attack your skin when you are in the bed. This insect has painful bites that develop into red bumps on legs and another skin part. Bed bugs bites appear to be red blisters or hives in the affected site.
Other insects and arachnids that can attack your skin:
- Ticks
- Fleas
- fleas
- Mites
- Spider
- Ants
- Yellow jackets
- Scorpions
2. Stasis Dermatitis
Stasis dermatitis is a known condition that might result in the development of red bumps on legs and feet. The condition affects individual with cardiac problems. An individual with advanced age above 50year is more susceptible to stasis dermatitis.
The condition is attributed to be caused by poor circulation of blood in the lower limbs. High blood pressure due to cardiac problem increases the collection of blood in legs and feet. The pressure in the lower limbs affects the blood capillaries to burst.
Bursting of blood capillaries allows blood protein called fibrinogen to leak direct into tissues in the affected area. The first symptom starts to appear as red spots and dots on the skin. Followed by, itchiness and inflammation that develops into red bumps on legs and feet.
Stasis dermatitis also accompanies other symptoms like peripheral edema or swollen legs and skin ulcers. The condition can worsen to chronic if no treatment is administered.
3. Allergies
Red bumps on legs and feet can appear due to the presence of allergen on the skin. Allergens are a strange substance that can result in skin damage. They include:
- A chemical substance like detergents and disinfectant.
- Poisons from sumac and oak.
- Fur like substances, caterpillar fur.
- Cloth irritations on legs.
- Cosmetic products like creams, skin gel, lotions and washing soap.
Presence of allergen on your skin can result in the stimulation of nerves to send feedback to the immune system to reject the strange substance on the skin by developing rashes or lumps. Effect of allergy can advance to a serious condition that needs medical attention. Some of these conditions are:
Allergic eczema
Allergic eczema sometimes is called contact dermatitis or contact eczema. This is a common allergic reaction on the skin that might lead to red bumps on legs, feet, and arms. The condition is stimulated to cause rashes after your skin get exposed to strange substance or allergen. Contact eczema has the following symptoms:
- Red bumps on legs, feet, arms and other parts of the skin.
- Painful red blisters between toe, under the feet, and on other skin parts.
- Dry skin or leathery
- Pink patches on the skin that is sensitive to the sun.
- Tiny red rashes on the skin of limbs and other body surfaces.
Hives are red painful raised bumps on the skin. Hives develop immediately your skin get in contact with foreign materials. Hives usually appear on the soft part of the skin. The upper part of thighs is more likely to develop hives than lower limbs. Besides that, hives can also develop on your lower limbs.
Hives on the skin cannot be a permanent condition. In other words, hives take few days on your skin before going away. Furthermore, hives can heal without any medication and no need to visit your doctor for treatment.
Drug allergies
Some medication and drugs can develop allergy reaction in the body that results in the formation of red bumps on legs, arms, and feet. Other signs and symptoms of allergy reaction are fever and difficulty in breathing. Some of medication and drugs that can cause allergies are:
- Aspirin
- Morphine
- Chemotherapy drugs
- Effect of x-ray
- antibiotics
In case your skin develops red lumps or rashes, visit your doctor for more advice that can help you to relieve the problem.
4. Keratosis pilaris.
Keratosis pilaris is skin disorders which develop as a consequence of keratin depositing under the hair follicles. The deposition of keratin in the hair follicles prevents the growth of hairs out of the skin hence raised bumps to appear. These bumps can appear like brown or red spots on the skin.
Keratosis pillars are known to cause raised red bumps on legs, thighs, buttocks, arms and other skin parts. This condition is believed to be harmless or less hurting because it does not develop into a serious health condition.
Even though the condition is harmless, it can affect your skin to appear bumpy or leads to chicken skin that can affect you indirectly. Keratosis pilaris can be a semi-permanent problem on your skin that can develop into chronic bumps that do not disappear.
5. Boils
Painful Red bumps on legs and feet can be as a consequence of boils infection on the skin. Boil develops after bacterial infection on the oil glands that cause inflammation and large red lumps on the skin. These bumps develop into pus-filled blisters that burst and ooze.
Boil infection can attack you based on the strength of body immune system and the type of food you are consuming. Individuals with the poor immune system are more prone to boils attack. Taking a lot of fatty foods and cholesterol can also trigger boil attack.
6. Chickenpox
Chickenpox is a viral infection caused by varicella zoster virus. The infection results in the formation of red fluid-filled bumps on the skin surface. Development of Shingles on one side of the body is the first sign of varicella infection.
Shingles are painful red bumps that cause burning sensation on the skin. They appear in triplet bumps that spread the whole body. Chickenpox can result to red bumps on legs and other parts of the body. The red blisters burst to allow oozing before crusting.
Other signs and symptoms of chickenpox include:
- fever
- headache
- loss of appetite
- dizziness
Chickenpox is a common skin infection to young children and before the introduction of the vaccine, varicella infection was a compulsory condition that affects the young individual. Varicella virus is contagious and can spread easily in a population.
7. Cherry angiomas
Angiomas are raised red bumps on the skin surface. The condition develops from clumping of blood vessel together to form raised red bumps on legs, arms or other parts of the skin. Presence of angiomas on your skin is not a big problem because these bumps might be benign but can make your skin to lose its natural appearance.
Cherry angiomas sometimes are known as a red mole on the skin and they appear as a raised lesion on the skin. Few angiomas on the skin are beauty marks that can be an advantage to you but the condition can worsen and result in the formation of many red bumps on legs, arms, face, neck, torso or any other parts.
8. Erysipelas
The infection is the caused by a bacterial attack in the epidermal layer of the skin. These conditions develop into large and raised red bumps on legs and feet.
Erysipelas has a similar characteristic with cellulitis infection that also affects upper layer of the skin. The infection commonly affects face and legs including feet. There are rare cases of erysipelas affection other parts of the skin.
The Signs and symptoms of erysipelas include the following:
- Red raised skin patches
- Swollen glands
- Red blisters on the affected site
- Fever
- Feeling of being cold or chills
- Burns like on the skin
- Itchy skin on affected area
Erysipelas is common to infants or toddlers and people with advanced age. Young individuals are believed to have undeveloped immune system hence prone to this infection while people with advanced age might have poor immune system due to aging factor.
9. Scabies
The infestation of scabies on your skin can result in intense itching of the skin. Scabies is caused by tiny parasitic mites that attack the skin of human beings. Tiny parasitic mite makes small burrows into your skin and leads to a serious skin damage.
Parasitic mite lives in small burrows in your skin, feed on skin tissue and reproduce. They also leave harmful feces inside the tiny tunnel they made on the skin. These results into formation of red spots that finally develop into raised red bumps on legs, feet, arms and other parts of the body that are affected by parasitic mites.
Parasitic mites that cause scabies can easily spread in a family or a population. The infestation of scabies on the skin might develop into a chronic condition. Fortunately, the doctor can manage to treat the condition by using medication that kills parasitic mite in the whole population.
10. Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a skin condition that results from auto immune disorders. The appearance of red bumps on legs, feet, arms and other skin parts might be a consequence of having psoriasis. The following are symptoms of psoriasis:
- Red inflamed patches on the skin
- Tiny red spots on legs and feet.
- Red shiny smooth skin.
- Dry and leathery skin.
- White pustules on legs and feet surrounded by red or pink skin.
- Severe skin burns.
- Swollen joints on legs and feet.
Psoriasis is attributed to be caused by an overgrowth of skin tissues. These result to formation of scaly and bumpy skin. The condition typically affects joints of hands and legs. The condition can also affect other parts of the body such as neck, scalp, and face
11. Other causes
Other causes of red spots on legs and feet include:
- Heat rash
- Rosacea
- Thrombocytopenia
- Sepsis
- Scarlet fever
- Impetigo
- Cellulitis
- Rubella
- Syphilis
- Skin cancer
- Vitiligo
- Kawasaki disease
- Folliculitis
- Acne
- injuries
Itchy Bumps on Legs and Feet
Itchy bumps on legs and feet are a common problem that you might encounter. Having itchy red bumps on legs or any other parts of the body is a clear sign of having a serious health problem. However, some itchy bumps might not be big threats to you.
There is various reasons or condition that can result in the development of itchy bumps on your legs and feet. These conditions include the following:
- Insect bites: parasitic insects like mosquitoes, mite, and lice can bite your limb and result to itchy red bumps on legs and feet. Hostile insect like bee and wasps can also sting your leg and inject harmful venom that causes a lot of irritation.
- Skin infection: boils and chickenpox are an example of itchy bumps that are as result of skin infections. Viral and bacterial infection on the skin can result in skin conditions characterized by itchy bumps.
- Skin disorders: psoriasis and rosacea can make your skin to be itchy.
- Skin allergies: eczema or contact dermatitis is conditions that develop from allergies reaction on the skin. Skin allergies can cause painful raised red bumps on legs and feet.
- Scabies: parasitic mites cause intense irritation or pain on the skin. Also, make the skin bumpy and inflamed.
Non-Itchy Bumps on Legs and Feet
Raise red bumps on legs and feet are not always painful. Sometimes they might be non-itchy. Presence of non-itchy bump of your skin does not mean you are safe. The condition can advance to bumpy skin that might be a beauty problem. Harmless red bumps on legs and feet can make your skin to look less attractive.
Causes of non-itchy bumps on the legs and feet
- Keratosis pilaris is one of harmless skin condition that can develop non-itchy red bumps on legs and feet. The condition results from the excess deposit of keratin in the hair follicle that prevents the growth of hairs out of the skin.
- Cherry angiomas are another skin disorder that results to non-itchy bumps on legs and feet. This condition is associated with red moles on the skin. Cherry angiomas also can result in the appearance of red bumps on legs and feet.
- Birthmarks are spots that individual has on the skin from the time of birth. Some birthmarks are vascular birthmarks that appear as raised bumps. Birthmarks bumps are always non-itch.
- Acne is non-itchy bumps that can appear on the skin. They can develop into mild or severe condition. The Skin of the legs and feet can develop mild acne that has non-itchy bumps.
Red Bumps on Lower Legs
Red bumps on lower legs might be as a consequence of having Dermatitis. Dermatitis is a skin condition that affects lower legs. It causes red bumps on legs, specifically between knees and feet.
Acute dermatitis usually appears as red blisters and inflammation on the skin. Chronic dermatitis is associated with itchy skin that causes irritation and it can tempt you to rub and scratch the affected area.
Types of dermatitis that can affect your lower legs include:
- Atopic dermatitis commonly occurs in children. It is a chronic condition that causes itchy skin and finally develops into red bumps on lower legs. Atopic dermatitis is also called
- Discoid eczema, cases scattered red bumps and patches on lower legs.
- Varicose dermatitis also known as gravitational dermatitis, it results from venous results in red bumps on legs, especially lower legs.
- Contact dermatitis; develop due to the presence of skin allergens like chemicals and poison.
- Lichen dermatitis is a chronic type of dermatitis that causes red bumps on the lower legs.
Other causes of red bumps on the lower legs can be outlined as follows:
- Psoriasis
- Lichen planus
- Cellulitis
- Tinea corporis
- Pretibial myxedema
- Panniculitis
- Necrobiosis
- Vasculitis
- Capillaritis
Red Bumps on Back of Legs
Red bumps can also appear on the back of legs. Back of your legs is more susceptible to develop a bumpy skin. These are due to the fact that, the back of your legs has more soft tissues and fat layer under the skin that make it more sensitive to develop rashes.
Like any other skin parts, back of your legs can be affected by skin infections like boils, hives, and chickenpox. Harmful virus or bacteria that cause skin infection can attack your limbs and result in the formation of red bumps on legs.
Skin disorders like cherry angiomas and keratosis pilaris can also be the reason for having red bumps on the back of legs. For the case of angiomas, it is a common condition in men that appear on the back of legs. In addition, insect bites can result to rashes on the back of thighs or upper parts on the back of legs.
Red Bumps on Bottom of Feet
Red bumps on the bottom of the feet can be a common condition for people wearing closed shoes. Wearing a closed is not a Couse of red bumps on legs and feet. However, it can initiate the formation of red bumps on the bottom of the feet if your shoes are wet.
Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that commonly affects the bottom of the feet. This infection attack the skin to cause patches between toes. It can also cause red bumps on toenails. Athlete’s foot is treatable and less hurting. Proper foot hygiene practices and wearing of ventilated shoes can help to prevent this infection.
Other infections like psoriasis and contact dermatitis can also result to red bumps on legs and specifically on the bottom of the is advisable to visit your doctor for treatment if you observe any strange bumps that appear at the bottom of your feet.
Red Bumps on Top of Feet
Top of your feet can also develop red bumps. There are several factors that might be the cause of red bumps on top of your feet. It is advisable to confirm the exact cause of red bumps on legs from your doctor before going for treatment.
Possible causes of red bumps on top of the feet include the following:
- Folliculitis
- Psoriasis
- Warts
- Dermatitis
- Scabies
- Insect bites
- Bacterial and fungal infections
Red Bumps on Side of Feet
The side of your feet can develop red bumps. There are many factors that can result in the formation of red bumps on side of feet. These factors or causal agents can be insect bites, skin disorders or infections like psoriasis and dermatitis.
If your experience itchy bumps that can lead to rubbing and scratching your skin at the side of your feet, it might be a sign and symptom of a serious skin condition. You can go for treatment by visiting health providers.
How to Get Rid of Red Bumps on Legs and Feet
You can use home remedies to get rid of mild rashes or red bumps on legs and feet. For the case of having red bumps that develop into skin complications, you can alternatively go for appropriate treatments that can help to restore your skin condition in to normal.
Home Remedies for Red Bumps on Legs and Feet
Try the following home remedies for red bumps on legs and feet:
1. Baking soda
Baking soda can be used as a home remedy for mild red bumps that results suddenly on your skin due to effects of allergens, insects’ bites and other mild rashes on the skin. The reagent has anti-inflammatory properties that can ease the pain on your skin.
How to use it:
- Prepare a solution of baking soda by mixing one teaspoon of the reagent with one cup of water.
- Use a cotton ball to apply the solution on the affected skin on your legs and feet.
- Allow it to stay on your skin for few minutes.
- Rinse your skin with cold water.
- Repeat the treatment four times per day until you see an improvement on your skin.
2. Apple cider vinegar
You can use apple cider vinegar to remove red bumps on legs and feet caused by allergies, insect bites or stings, keratosis pilaris and other minor rashes on skin that can cause discomfort. Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties that can help to heal inflammation caused by fungi and bacteria.
To use:
- Get a small amount of apple cider vinegar.
- Use a cotton ball to apply it on the affected area of your skin.
- Allow it to stay on your skin for 30 minutes.
- Rinse your skin with warm water.
- Repeat the treatment three times per day for the excellent result on your skin.
3. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is known to be a good home remedy to remove red bumps on legs and feet. The treatment can be used on heat rash that might develop on legs of babies. It can also be used to relieve pain and inflammation of allergies and insects bites.
- Mix one cup of oatmeal in warm bathing water.
- Use the mixture of oatmeal to wash your body.
- Rinse your skin with cold water.
- Repeat the procedure daily until red bumps on legs disappear.
4. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has medicinal value that can help to heal red clumps and inflammation on skin that develop from allergies, hives, fungal infections, insect bites and other skin infections.
How to use:
- Get Aloe Vera gel or extract fresh gel from Aloe Vera leaves by spitting the leaves.
- Apply the aloe Vera gel on the affected skin of legs and feet.
- Allow the gel to dry on your skin.
- Use cold water to rinse your skin.
- Repeat the treatment four times per day until your skin show same improvement.
5. Coconut oil
Coconut oil can be used to get rid of red bumps that result from bacterial infections, allergies, insect bites and other skin rashes. Coconut has antibacterial properties and can help to ease inflammation on the skin of the leg. The oil also moisturizes scaly skin to be soft.
Apply the coconut oil on the skin of the legs and feet that are affected by red bumps. Use the oil on your skin twice per day until you see a change.
Treatment for Red Bumps on Legs and Feet
When your skin develops a red bump that does not go away, medical treatment is the best step to take. Red bumps on legs and feet can advance to a serious problem that needs to be addressed to health providers. For instance, dermatitis, psoriasis, chickenpox, skin cancer and scabies are examples of chronic skin condition that is life threatening.
After you visit your doctor, he or she will perform several tests on your blood sample to determine the type of skin infection that causes you to develop red bumps on legs and feet. From the lab results, your doctor will decide appropriate diagnosis to use in the treatment of skin infections.
When to See a Doctor over Red Bumps on Legs and Feet
You can see your doctor over red bumps on fingers when:
- When red bumps on your legs or feet persist for more than 3 weeks
- If red bumps keep on reoccurring on your legs or feet.
- If red bumps are accompanied by other harmful symptoms like fever and headache.
- When red bumps are spreading from feet and legs to other skin parts.
Sources and References
- Causes of red spot on legs and feet:
- Itchy bumps on legs and feet:
- Non-itchy bumps on legs and feet:
- Red bumps on lower legs:
- Red bumps on back of legs,
- Red bumps on bottom of the feet:
- Red bumps on top of the feet:
- Red bump on side of the feet:
- How to get rid of red bumps on legs and feet:
- Home remedies for red bumps on legs and feet:
- Treatment of red bumps on legs and feet:
- How to get rid of red bumps on legs and feet:
- Home remedies for red bumps on legs and feet:
- Treatment for red bumps on legs and feet: