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Fordyce Spots on Lips, Pictures, Itchy, Contagious, Causes, Removal, Treatment & Home Remedies

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Are Fordyce spots on lips contagious? How long do they last? Do they go away? Fordyce spots are whitish-yellow bumps that can occur on the edge of your lips. They can upper on the lower or upper lips and may sometimes be itchy. This post explores facts, pictures, causes, signs, and symptoms of Fordyce spots on lips. Also, it outlines how you can get rid of them with medical treatments and effective home remedies

Signs & Symptoms of Fordyce Spots on Lips

Fordyce spots are also known as Fordyce granules. These are white or yellow bumps that might appear on the edge of your lips. They can also show up on other parts of the body typically on your genital organs.

On the genital organs, Fordyce spots can show up on penis and scrotum if you are a male. For the female, you can develop white bumps of Fordyce spots on your labia or vaginal lips. In rare cases, they may cause a discomfort on your genital organs.

The condition of Fordyce spots on lips often occurs in adults with older age. According to the research report of Mayo Clinic, it suggests that the more you become aged it results in the enlargement of sebaceous glands.  The enlarged glands on your skin develop into white bumps of Fordyce granules.

The condition of having Fordyce spots on your lips or on genital organs is totally painless and harmless. Despite being harmless, Fordyce spots usually appear worrisome. This can interfere with the beauty of your lip hence this is bothersome.

Presence of Fordyce spots on your lips and genital organs can appear in different form. They can show up as small or large whitish -yellow raised spots on your skin. Sometimes they can show up like pimples under your skin.

The common signs and symptoms associated with Fordyce spots on lips include the following:

  • Small or large white-yellow bump on the edge of the lips that are painless
  • Single or numerous white painless bumps on the vermilion zone of your lip
  • Granule-like cyst under the skin of your lip
  • Skin colored bump inside your lip and cheeks
  • White spots on the lip when stretched that are not itchy
  • White bumps that appear symmetrical on both sides of the lip

Fordyce spots vs herpes on lips might confuse you. Oral herpes is different from Fordyce granules and they are associated with fluid-filled blisters that burst, weep out and crust over into whitish-yellow bumps.

Fordyce Spots on Lips Pictures

How do lips with Fordyce spots look like? To see how they might appear, we have inserted descriptive picture of Fordyce spots on the lips. These pictures might have a slight difference from your actual view of your skin condition due to variation in skin tone.

From the provided pictures or images you may get a clue about the general appearance of Fordyce spots. This can help you to assess your skin condition for your personal knowledge. However, you should not use these pictures as a reference for self-diagnosis and treatment without the help of your doctor.

Causes of Fordyce Spots on Lips

What causes Fordyce spots on the skin? This is a common question that many people ask. If this question is your interest, then you are in the appropriate section of the post that explains clearly the causes of Fordyce spots. Keep reading.

Generally, Fordyce spots on your skin are caused by the enlargement of the sebaceous glands.  The sebaceous gland is also called oil glands. There are normal glands that are located underneath the surface of the skin.

There are various risk factors that can lead to the enlargement of your sebaceous gland to form Fordyce granules.  This risk causes range from harmless factors to more serious health condition such as heart disorders.

The common risk causes that can lead to the development of Fordyce spots on lips include:

1. Lipid disorder

Hyperlipidemia is a known lipid disorder that is associated with high-fat content in your blood. This condition can result in the enlargement of sebaceous glands on the surface of the skin that develops into Fordyce granules.

More dangerously, hyperlipidemia can lead to heart problems. This affects the entire circulatory of the blood in the body. Poor circulation of blood on your skin can allow the accumulation of clot of fats under the skin surface that can also develop into Fordyce spots.

2. Genetic factor

Most scientists attribute that you can develop Fordyce spots on your lips due to the effect of genetic factors. This means that if your parent has the condition of Fordyce spots on the skin; it is possible for you to inherit this condition.

Also, you might have born with traits of Fordyce spots on the skin that becomes more prominent during your teenager and adulthood stage.

3. Clogged skin pore

Clogged skin pores are another factor that can encourage your skin to develop Fordyce spots. Naturally, the sebum from the sebaceous gland should come out of your skin freely. However, if your skin pores are clogged, this can lead to accumulation of sebum inside the gland to develop into Fordyce spots.

4. Aging

Aging is a risk factor that might encourage Fordyce to develop on your skin. During the old stage in adulthood, there is a decline in metabolic activity of fat in the body. This condition may lead to the excess deposit of sebum underneath your skin surface.

5. Infection of the oil glands

Bacterial and fungal infection of the oil gland can lead to the development of the Fordyce spots on your skin. The presence of harmful pathogens on your skin can lead to the development of abnormal white bumps of Fordyce spots.

6. Hormone disorder

Precedence of hormone disorder in your body is risk factors that can encourage the development of Fordyce spots on lips and on your genital organs. Fordyce spots often occur in individuals with hormone imbalance caused by thyroid problems.

In addition, Fordyce spots appear in adulthood during menopause due to change of hormones in the body.

Are Fordyce spots on Lips Contagious?

The Fordyce spots on your lips is a harmless condition is not contagious. This means that Fordyce spots cannot spread from one person to another. There is not an infectious agent that causes the development of Fordyce spots on the skin hence not contagious.

You can only develop Fordyce granules on your lips and genital organs due to the enlarging of sebaceous glands that are located underneath your skin surface. These spots are usually encouraged by the risk causes such as older age, lipid disorders, hormone disorder, clogged skin pore and hereditary factors.

How Long Do Fordyce Spots on Lips Last?

Fordyce spots are enlarging sebaceous glands that form parts of your natural skin anatomy or structures. This suggests that Fordyce spots can last on your lips for the rest of your life if they are not removed.

Usually, Fordyce spots can appear on your lip during your adolescent stage. The spots become more prominent during your adulthood at an older age.  The presence of Fordyce spots on your lip during the older stage is a painless and harmless condition that does not require treatment.

For your interest, you can remove Fordyce spots from your lips by going for medical treatment. You can visit your dermatologist to help you on how to remove Fordyce spots from your lips and on the genital organs.

Do Fordyce Spots Go Away?

The Fordyce spots on your skin may not go away on its own without removing it. However, your skin condition may improve by the time as the Fordyce granules become small and unnoticeable after a longer period of time.

Sometimes Fordyce spots on your skin might not go away but instead, the condition can persist and worsen. The Fordyce spots can become more enlarge and prominent white bumps during your older stage.

Fortunately, there are several treatment methods that may help to make Fordyce spots go away. Visit your dermatologist to help you on how to treat Fordyce spots go away from your skin.

How to Get Rid of Fordyce Spots on Lips

You can get rid of Fordyce spots on your lips using different treatment method depending on your skin condition. For the case of small, few or mild Fordyce spots on your lips, you can use natural home remedies for treatment.

Alternatively, you can go for medical treatment when the white bumps of Fordyce spots on your lips are large and chronic.

Home Remedies

Try the following home remedies that can help to remove few and small bumps of Fordyce granules on your lips.

1. Lemon and orange juice

You can use a mixture of lemon and orange juice as a remedy that can help to remove Fordyce spots on your lips. The vitamin C in this mixture is an effective ingredient to fight white bumps of Fordyce spots on your lips.

How to use:

  • Mix ¼ cup of lemon juice with equal amount of orange juice
  • Soak the cotton ball into the mixture
  • Apply it to the affected skin area
  • Allow it to dry before you rinse it off
  • Repeat this treatment three times daily until the white spots of Fordyce on you lip go away

2. Apple cider vinegar

The antioxidant properties of apple cider vinegar can help to exfoliate your skin and remove Fordyce spots. The reagent also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to clear way swollen bumps of Fordyce granules on your skin.

How to use:

  • Get one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
  • Use a cotton ball to apply it to the affected skin area
  • Rinse it after 10 minutes
  • You can alternatively drink a ½ glass of diluted apple cider vinegar daily
  • Repeat this treatment three times daily until your skin improves

3. Olive oil

The medicinal properties of olive oil can help to remove White bumps of Fordyce spots on lips or any other parts of your skin. Olive oil can help to keep your skin moisturized and soft that allows sebum to come out o the sebaceous freely.

How to use:

  • Wash the affected skin area with warm water and pat dry it with a towel
  • Dab few drops of the olive oil to your lips
  • Allow it to stay on your skin for the whole day or night
  • Repeat to apply it three times daily until the Fordyce spots on your lips go away

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a universal cream that can help to treat various skin condition including Fordyce spots on lips. The herb has natural medicinal properties that can help to clear away bumps of Fordyce granules on your skin.

How to use:

  • Wash the affected skin area with warm water and pat dry it
  • Use your hands to apply the Aloe Vera cream or gel to the affected ski area
  • Allow to stay on your skin the whole day or night before your rinse it
  • Repeat this treatment twice daily until Fordyce spots on your skin clear away

5. Garlic juice

Garlic juice is an effective home remedy that can help to relieve Fordyce spots on your lips. The anti-oxidant properties of Garlic can help to treat lipid disorder in your body that causes Fordyce spots on your lips.

How to use:

  • Crush one clove of garlic
  • Mix it with one cup of warm water
  • Drink the garlic juice
  • Ensure you take one cup of garlic juice daily until the Fordyce spots on lips clear away

6. Asparagus

Asparagus is rich in folic acid that can help to treat Fordyce spots on your lips. it also has a lot of Vitamins and minerals that can help to nourish your skin and remove Fordyce granules.

How to use:

  • Get one cup of fresh asparagus
  • Prepare your asparagus salad
  • Eat the salad one times daily until your skin improves

Medical Treatment

Medical treatment is another method that you can use to remove large chronic bumps of Fordyce spots on your lips. You can visit your dermatologist to help you in diagnosis and treatment of Fordyce spots on your lips.

Your doctor may decide the appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan that can help in the removal of Fordyce spots from your skin. The common treatment methods that your dermatologist might use to solve your skin condition include:

  • Topical creams: Your doctor can use topical cream in the removal of Fordyce spots on your skin. These medicinal creams include retinoid creams and other medicated creams that are formulated to cure Fordyce spots.
  • Surgical removal method: The micro-punch surgery is a common surgical method that your doctor may use to remove chronic bumps of Fordyce that are located deeper under your skin surface.  This procedure is usually done with the help of local anesthesia to relieve pain.
  • Laser treatment: Your doctor may use a strong beam of light to remove stubborn bumps of Fordyce spots on your lips.
  • Oral medication: Your doctor may prescribe for the suitable oral drugs that can help to remove bumps of Fordyce from your skin.

When to See a Doctor

You can see your doctor over Fordyce spots on lips if your notice the following condition:

  • When the white bumps of Fordyce spots on your lips cause difficulties in eating and speaking
  • When your skin develop large and numerous bumps of Fordyce that look worrisome
  • If bumps of Fordyce spots are associated with other strange symptoms such as itchy skin, blisters, and sores
  • If the Fordyce spots on your lips had the characteristic of bleeding if something touches

Sources and References

  1. Fordyce spots: https://www.healthline.com/health/fordyce-spots
  2. Signs and symptoms of Fordyce spots on the lips: https://pearlybumps.com/fordyce-spots-lips/
  3. Causes of Fordyce spots on the lips: https://www.healthline.com/health/fordyce-spots#causes
  4. How to get rid of Fordyce spots on the lips: https://homeremedyshop.com/11-tips-to-prevent-and-treat-fordyce-spots-on-lips/
  5. Treatment of Fordyce on the lips:https://www.homeremedynation.com/9-tested-home-remedies-to-get-rid-of-white-fordyce-spots-on-lips-fast/
  6. Home remedies or Fordyce spots on the skin: http://www.1800remedies.com/fordyce-spots/

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