A Red spot on breast may be painful or painless. It may be accompanied by a lump or not. Typically, red spots on breast are as a result of various skin conditions, which may be mild or serious. This post highlights the common causes of red spots, marks or patches on breast and their signs and symptoms, with pictures. It also outlines the effective treatments and home remedies to help get rid of these conditions.
Signs and Symptoms
Red spots or marks can show up specifically on the skin of the breast. The sudden appearance of strange red spots or patches on your breast is a clear indication of having a health problem. The red mark on your breast might be the signs of either benign or serious health condition.
Signs and symptoms of red spots or patches on breast include the following:
- Raised red spots like pimples on breast
- Flat smooth red dots or patches on skin of the breast
- Itchy, painful or tenderness of the mammary glands
- Hard lumps under the skin of breast
- Swollen mammary glands or breast
- Strange yellow or reddish discharge from nipple
- Open blisters that ooze and crust over on breast
- Flattening of nipple, inversion or dimpling
- Red rash on breasts like bug bites or insect bite
- Chronic red spots and patches that develop into painful sores
Causes of Red spots on Breast
There are various factors that cause a red spot or patches on the breast. The type and nature of red spots on the skin of your breast are determined by the causal agents. It is quite useful to learn and understand the possible cause of red marks on your breast so that it can help you as a guide to make a decision for going to a medical checkup.
The possible causes of red spots or patches on breast include the following:
1. Mastitis infection
Mastitis is a breast infection that can cause red marks and inflammation of the mammary gland. Mastitis is characterized by painful red and swollen breast skin with hard lumps inside mammary glands. This infection is common to lactating women that can occur during the first three months after giving birth. However, mastitis can as well affect women who are not lactating at menopause.
Mastitis is a bacterial infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus. These bacteria can enter the breast into the mammary gland through cracks on the breast or pores of the nipple. The bacteria can also be transferred from the mouth of the baby into your breast during breastfeeding.
Blocked milk duct of the mammary glands can encourage the infection of mastitis and the growth of bacterial infection. Milk stasis in the mammary glands due to blocked ducts provides a suitable condition for the growth of Staphylococcus bacteria.
You can be affected by mastitis when you are exposed to predisposing factors that encourage the condition. The following include risk factors of mastitis in women:
- Poor body hygiene during lactating period
- Improper attaching of your baby on nipple during breastfeeding
- Wearing too tight bra that causes a lot of pressure on your breast
- Bruises on the skin of breast
- Infrequent breastfeeding
Mastitis is treatable by use of prescribed antibiotics drugs. The treatment of mastitis may cause side effect to your baby through breastfeeding. It is advisable to seek help from your doctor on how you can manage to treat red spots caused by mastitis on the breast without affecting your baby.
2. Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC)
Inflammatory breast cancer is a type cancer that can cause a red spot on the breast that appears like a bug bite. This condition is associated with painful red tender and swollen breast. It can also result in a strange discharge from the nipple. In addition, the condition can cause an inversion, dimpling, and flattening of the nipple.
Breast cancer is a chronic condition that develops due to overgrowth of malignant tissue that affects lymphatic system on the skin of the breast. The affected lymph vessels result to inflammation of skin tissues with red itchy rashes on the breast.
Breast cancer is a rare condition that commonly affects women. However, men can develop breast cancer. Women are more susceptible to these conditions due to their natural structure of breast that has mammary glands and a lot of fatty tissue.
The main cause of breast cancer is not clearly known but the condition is associated with exposure to a carcinogenic substance that might cause any types of cancer. However, early hormonal stimulation in young girls to start menstruating before the age of 12 years can increase the risk of inflammatory breast cancer in the future time.
Inflammatory breast cancer usually spread very quickly through lymph vessel which can damage a large part of the breast tissue. It is unfortunate that inflammatory breast cancer is not easily noticed at early stages of infection but the condition can be detected after it causes huge damage. Breast cancer can be managed at early stages of infection by the use of appropriate cancer therapy.
3. Paget’s infection of the breast
Paget’s disease is a type of breast cancer that usually develops on the nipple or areola. This condition affects the skin around the nipple to develop painful red bumps that burst and crust over. Also, it can flatten your nipple and cause pus ooze from the nipple.
Paget’s disease not only affects the nipple but also invade into entire breast tissue to cause a serious damage to lymph tissue. The condition also accompanies the formation of tumors under the skin of the breast.
Similar to inflammatory breast cancer, the main causes of Paget’s disease is not clearly known. However, you can develop this condition if you are exposed to risk factors that cause the cancerous condition in the body system.
4. Mammary duct ectasia
Mammary duct ectasia is another condition that can cause red marks on the breast. According to Mayo Clinic, this condition occurs on the breast when milk ducts inside the mammary glands become thickened and start collecting fluids. The thickened of walls of milk ducts can lead blockage of the duct hence breast become red and inflamed.
Mammary duct ectasia is a common problem that usually occurs in women whose ages are above 45 years. Aging is the main factor that encourages this condition. It is clear that, as women approach menopause, their breast tissue also starts to age. Mammary ducts inside the breast also age by becoming short and thickened.
This condition is not associated with any type of breast cancer and it can go away without medical treatment. However, if it causes severe pain, you can seek the help of your doctor. Alternatively, you can use over the counter painkiller to ease irritation.
5. Fungal infections of breast
A red spot on breast can be as a consequence of having fungal or yeast infection. The infection of candida on the skin can result in red patches under the breast surface. Yeast infection can also affect the entire skin surface of the bread with red tiny itchy rashes.
Yeast infection is a prevalent condition in the hot and moist environment. You can be affected by yeast infection if you have a weakened body immune system. Also, other risk factors can encourage fungal attack that includes; poor body hygiene, sweating a lot and oily skin.
6. Allergic reaction on skin of breast
An allergic reaction can show up as a red mark or spot on the skin of the breast. Allergens are a strange substance that stimulates the body cells to produce histamine that results in an allergic reaction. Skin allergens include pollen grains, plant hairs, caterpillar’s fur, organic and inorganic chemicals.
Allergic skin conditions that can affect breast to develop red mark include:
Hives; this is red painful raised bumps or welts that appear on the skin due to an allergic reaction. Hives can as well appear on the skin of the breast as a red mark. Hives are an acute skin condition that can be relieved by taking allergy treatments.
Allergic contact dermatitis; this is a skin condition that resembles a burn. The condition also results in itchy red dry patches on the skin. Occasionally, it can develop into red large blisters that ooze and crust over.
Tattoos dyes and nipple piercing can also stimulate allergic reaction on the skin of the breast to develop red rashes like bug bites
7. Insect Bites
An insect bite or a sting can cause a red spot on breast. There are various insects that can attack human beings and cause skin damage. These insects include parasitic insects that depend on the blood of human beings as food. Also, hostile insect-like bee or wasp can attack and sting your skin with poisonous venom that can lead to a red spot or mark.
Bed bugs are parasitic insects that can cause bug bites on the skin including the skin of the breast. A bed bug bites can appear as a raised red spot or mark on the skin of the breast or other affected area of your body.
Other insects that can cause a red spot on breast skin include; mosquitoes, sandy fly, tsetse fly and spider. However, a red spot on breast that looks like bug bite is not always as a result of insect bites. Other cause might be mistaken for it.
8. Cellulitis on breast
Cellulitis is a skin infection caused by bacteria that result in painful red inflammation of the skin. These conditions can occur anywhere on your body. It can also affect the skin of the breast to develop red patches. Usually, this infection is associated with red spots that spread very quickly on the surface of the skin.
Cellulitis can affect your breast when it enters through cracks on breast skin into the underlying tissue. The infection can spread very fast in bloodstreams and lymphatic vessel. The bacteria can affect breast tissue to develop red painful sores on the skin surface.
9. Eczema on breast
Eczema is an autoimmune disorder that is characterized by itchy red or brown dots or patches on the skin. It also results to dry flaky skin that appears leathery. Occasionally, small red bumps can show up on your skin the burst and ooze fluid when you scratched it due to irritation.
Eczema can affect any part of your body. It usually occurs on arms, head, scalp, inner elbows and breast region. When your breast is affected by eczema, it can result in intense irritation on the affected skin and also show up red patches on the breast skin.
10. Psoriasis
Psoriasis can also result to red spot or mark on the breast skin. This is a chronic condition that is characterized by dark scaly patches on the skin. Psoriasis can affect any part of your body including the breast skin.
11. Other rare cause of red spot on breast skin
- Chickenpox
- Measles
- Rubella
- Angiomas
- boils
Pictures of Red Spot on breast
How does a red spot or mark on breast skin look like? This post contains clear pictures that clearly illustrate to you how red spots on the skin of breast can look like. The provided picture also shows how a red marks or patches can damage the skin of the breast.
Pictures of a red mark on the breast also show the possible parts of your breast that can be affected by the various skin conditions. For instance, some spots can show up only on your nipple while others may affect the entire skin of the breast.
Small Red Spot on Breast
A red spot or dot on the breast can appear in various shapes and sizes basing on the causal agents. Some causal agent can result in tiny or small red spot on the skin of the breast while other can cause large red patches.
For the case of having a single tiny red mark on your breast, it might be a mild skin condition that can resolve by time without a medical treatment. In few occasions, a small red spot on your breast can develop into large patches that need medical attention.
A strange small red dot like a bug bite that can appear on your breast should not be ignored but instead, you can go for a medical checkup. Your doctor can help you to determine the main cause these small red mark on the skin of your breast before the treatment.
Itchy Red Spot on Breast
Itchy red spot or a mark on the breast is a common symptom that is associated with many breast infections. The itchiness of the red spots on the skin can vary depending on the type of condition. A red spot on your breast can be less painful or too painful.
Intense itchy red spot on your breast can hurt you a lot and cause a discomfort. Too painful spot on your breast might be a symptom a serious health condition that needs medical attention. In case your breast has a red spot that causes severe pain to you, it is advisable to go for medical treatment.
However, a mild itchy red spot can also occur on your breast. Usually, less hurting red mark on your breast may be a symptom of benign breast condition which can resolve without the use any medical treatment.
Red Spot On Breast No Pain
The occurrence of the red dot on the breast is not always painful. Occasionally, you can develop a red mark on your breast that has no pain. Having a painless mark on your breast does not mean you are safe. This is because red marks on your breast can make your skin look less attractive hence causing a beauty problem that can frustrate your mind.
The possible causes of painless red mark on the breast can be angiomas. This is raised red bumps that can develop on breast skin as a result of blood vessel dilating on the skin surface. However, other skin conditions that we have already discussed can also lead to a red dot on the breast with no pain.
Red Spot On Breast No Lump
A red mark on the skin without a lump or a bump is described as a flat mark. Flat red mark can appear anywhere on your body. Similarly, the skin of the breast can also show up flat marks that have no raised skin like bumps.
Usually, breast infections such as mastitis, breast cancer, and mammary duct ectasia are associated with a hard lump that can be felt under the skin when you touch it with your hand. However, fungal infection and eczema are known skin conditions that can affect your breast to develop red patches with no lump.
Red Spot on Breast Breastfeeding
Red mark on the breast during breastfeeding can occur due to breast conditions such as mastitis infection or blocked ducts of the mammary glands. Mastitis is a bacterial infection that can lead to a lump inside the tissue of mammary gland.it also has a consequence of red dots on the skin of the breast.
A blocked duct on the nipple is the risk factor that encourages inflammation of the breast with a hard lump that won’t go away without treatment. You can seek the help of your doctor on how to unclog a milk duct during breastfeeding.
How to Get Rid of Red Spots on Breast
A Red spot or patches on your breast can be treated by using either home remedies or medical treatment. Home remedies are a suitable method for mild breast infections such as fungal attack, allergy reactions, and insect bites.
Medical treatment is another method you can opt for in case a red spot on your skin does not respond to home remedies. In addition, some breast condition such as cancer of the breast cannot be treated by natural home remedies but instead, it requires special medical treatment from an experienced doctor.
After presenting your health problem to the doctor, he/she will examine and determine the main cause of a red spot on your breast. Blood and tissue biopsy can be taken from your breast to the laboratory for testing.
From the sample test results, your doctor can develop a diagnosis plan to get rid of red marks on your breast. The following are methods that your doctor may use to treat your red dot or patches on chest region that include:
- Surgical method to remove the malignant cells from your breast
- Laser treatment that use strong beam of electron to kill cancerous cells
- Antibiotic injections that help to kill infections that cause red spots on breast
- Prescription of oral drugs that can help to heal red dots on chest
- Medicinal creams that can help to relieve inflammation of the breast tissue
Home Remedies
For mild cases, you can use the following home remedies to get rid of a red spot on breast skin that includes:
- Coconut oil
Coconut oil is the best home remedy to sooth and heals red rashes on the breast. The oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties that can help to keep away infections that cause red marks on the breast. It also moisturizes and protects the skin of the nipple from cracking.
How to use:
- Get an extra-virgin coconut oil
- Clean the skin of your breast with warm water and dry it off using a washcloth
- Use your hand to apply the coconut oil on the affected skin of the breast with red marks
- Use your hand to spread the oil and massage it gently in a circular motion
- Do this treatment twice per day for few weeks until red mark on your breast fade away
- Lemon juice
Lemon juice has a citric acid that acts as a natural bleaching agent for red patches on your breast. It also has antioxidant and antiseptic properties that can help to heal an infection that causes a red mark on the breast skin.

How to use:
- Get a lemon juice and apply it on the affected part
- Allow it to stay on your breast skin for about 20 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water
- Repeat this treatment two times per day for few weeks
- Use of warm water
Hot compressing is a good home remedy to unclog mammary ducts during breastfeeding. Hot compressing of the mammary glands can relive lumps inside and on breast surface.
How to use:
- Boil water to very hot temperature
- Place the hot water in a basin
- Soak a washcloth in the basin containing hot water
- Carefully remove the washcloth from the basin and hot compress your breast
- Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can be used to treat various skin spots including a red spot on breast. The reagent has ingredients that can help to relieve red inflammation on the skin of the breast.

How to use:
- Dilute a half a glass of the apple cider vinegar with equal amount of water
- Use a cotton ball to apply the solution on the affected part of your breast with red marks
- Repeat the treatment three times per day until red dots or patches on breast fade away.
- Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has a healing ability that can help to get rid of a red spot on breast. Aloe Vera has antioxidant, antifungal and antibacterial properties that can help to kill harmful pathogens on the skin of the breast that causes red marks.
How to use it:
- Clean the affected skin with warm water and dry it off with a towel
- Apply the Aloe Vera gel or cream on the affected part
- Repeat this treatment twice per day until red mark on breast goes away
Finally, you also can use other home remedies such castor oil, tea tree oil, garlic or any other applicable home remedy to get rid red spots or patches on your breast.
Sources and References
- Red spot, marks or patches on the skin of the breast: https://www.verywell.com/why-red-blotches-and-itchy-breasts-may-mean-cancer-513594
- Causes of red spot or mark on breast: http://www.webmd.com/women/guide/breast-infection#1
- Cause of breast infection: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/317140.php
- Itchy red mark on breast: https://www.healthcentral.com/article/itchy-breast-red-spot-breast-cancer
- Red spots or patches on breast no pain: https://www.healthmeds.org/breast/red-spots-on-breast-skin-no-pain-lump-itchy/
- Red spots on breast no lump: https://www.phaa.com/breast-fungus-treatment-itchy-fungal-rash-under-the-breast.htm
- Red spot on the breast during breastfeeding: https://www.breastfeedingbasics.com/articles/breast-infections-and-plugged-ducts
- How to get rid of red dots or patches on breast: http://www.top10homeremedies.com/how-to/how-to-get-rid-of-rash-under-breasts.html
- Medical treatment for red spots: http://www.embarrassingissues.co.uk/breast-acne-how-treat-it.html
- Home remedies for red spot on skin of breast: https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/2017/05/29/what-are-the-best-remedies-for-under-breast-rash/