Home » Facial Health » Red Spots on Face, Baby, Small or Tiny, Dry, Itchy, Causes, Get Rid, Treatment & Home Remedies

Red Spots on Face, Baby, Small or Tiny, Dry, Itchy, Causes, Get Rid, Treatment & Home Remedies

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Red spots o face may appear as small or tiny dots or as patches, depending on the condition triggering them. They may be dry and itchy or not itchy and can affect even a new born baby. This post presents, facts, pictures, causes, signs and symptoms of red spots on face. Also, it details how to get rid of, reduce or remove them with treatments and home remedies.

Signs and Symptoms

Do you have red spots on your face? This is a common skin condition that can show up to anybody regardless of the age, sex and skin color. These suggest that red spots on face can occur in newborns, toddlers, teens, and adults.

The red spots or patches on your face can appear on various parts. They can show up on cheeks, chin, forehead, nose, lips, and eyelids, around eyes or any other parts of your face. Other than appearing on your face, they can also occur in any other parts of your body.

A red spot on your face may show up in different forms depending on the causal agent. They can be tiny dots or large patches, few or numerous, fat or raised spots. The raised red spots may occur as bumps, fluid-filled blisters, and sores.

The development of red spots on face is usually characterized by the following signs and symptoms that include the following:

  • Redness, tenderness, and inflammation of the skin on the face
  • Tiny or large red spots on the face
  • Few or numerous red spots on the skin of the face
  • Fat red dots, marks, patches or blotches on face
  • Raised red spots or bump on the face
  • Blood-filled blisters and sores on the skin of the face
  • Itchy or burning red spots on the face
  • Not itchy, painless red marks on the skin of the face

Red spots on your face might also accompany other strange symptoms such as red eye, itchy eyes, fever, headaches, bleeding nose, and other. In case you notice the above symptoms, it is advisable to seek the help of the doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of Red Spots on Face

Red spots can appear on your face due to various causal agents. These causes can lead to either harmless or more serious skin condition. Harmless red spots are usually painless and they cannot develop into health complications.

Occasionally, the skin of your face can develop red spits as a symptom of more serious skin condition such as skin cancer, psoriasis, and eczema. For this case, you need to seek the help of the doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Some of the common causes that can lead to red spots on face include:

1.  Acne

The skin of your face can develop red spots due to the consequence of facial acne or pimples. These are small raised bumps that can appear on your face. They are common during adolescent stage. However, acne on the face can affect you at any stage of life.

Acne on the face is a harmless condition that is brought by the change of hormones in the body. Sometimes acne can be infected by bacteria or fungi and develop into a painful red bump.

The presence of acne on the face is a mild condition that can go away without treatment. If the pimples are becoming bothersome to you, you can treat them using home remedies. Alternatively, you can go for acne removal creams that can be prescribed for you by your doctor.

2. Injuries

Physical injuries are common causes of red spots on the skin. Injuries or trauma to the skin of your face can lead to the damage of blood vessels. This can lead to internal bleeding under the surface of the skin that results in red blotches and blood filled bumps.

Burns on the skin is another major cause of red spots on the skin. This includes chemical burns, thermal burns, and sunburns. Bruises, cuts, and hit are types of injuries that can lead to red spots or patches on your face.

3. Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis or allergic eczema is a skin condition that that can lead to red spots on your face. it occur when your body comes in contact with harmful substances or chemicals. Hives are types of red bumps that may appear on your skin due to an allergic reaction.

Common allergens that can lead to red spots on your face include the exposure to harsh detergents, poison ivy, harsh cosmetic products, or any other household chemicals. You can prevent allergic contact dermatitis by avoiding direct skin in contact with any harsh or harmful substance that can induce an allergic reaction.

The treatment of allergic contact dermatitis and red spots on your skin involves the use of prescribed anti-allergic drugs. Alternatively, you can apply soothing creams such as Aloe Vera to the affected area of your skin.

4. Insect Bites

Itchy red spots on face can appear after an insect bite. The common insects that can lead to the development of red itchy bumps include mosquitoes, bed bugs, fleas, lice, and mites. Also, hostile insect such as bees, wasps, spider, and red ants can sting your skin with poison venom that leads to red spots.

5. Birthmark

A red spot on your face since your birth could be birthmarks. This is a painless and harmless skin condition that does not require treatment. However, it might be bothersome when it interferes with your beauty. You can remove it for cosmetic reasons.

6. Cherry angiomas

Cherry angiomas are small red bumps that can appear on your skin when blood vessels clump together. They are usually domed shaped and occur beneath the skin surface. Angiomas can occur anywhere on your body including the face.

The angiomas on your skin are a painless and harmless condition that does not require treatment. These bumps can clear away itself by time. However, you can seek the help of a dermatologist for treatment if the bump is large than normal.

7. Body straining

Excessive body straining can lead to the formation of tiny red spots on face, chest or any other parts of the body. This can occur during the timed of lifting heavy Wight and giving birth. Excess straining of the body muscles can lead to bursting of tiny blood vessels under the surface of the skin. This can lead to red dots or spots.

8. Skin infections

Your face can develop red spots as a result of skin infections. There are several types of skin disease that can lead to red dots, marks, patches or bumps on the skin of the face. Some of the skin infection associated with red spots or bumps include:

  • Eczema: This is a chronic autoimmune disease that shows up tiny red itchy spots on the skin that are associated with dry skin and oozing blisters that crust over.
  • Boils: These are pea-sized painful red pus-filled bumps that develop when the hair follicle is infected by bacteria.
  • Psoriasis: It is an autoimmune disorder characterized by dry scales, itchy plagues, and red spots.
  • Rosacea: it is a skin condition that shows up chronic red pimples on the skin that are itchy.
  • Cellulitis is a bacterial infection that leads to redness, tenderness, and inflammation of the skin.
  • Impetigo: itchy red spots around the mouth can appear due to infection of impetigo. This condition is common in infants, babies, and
  • Chickenpox: Is a viral infection that often leads to red bump or shingles on the skin of the babies.
  • Skin cancer: The cancer of the skin dangerous condition that can lead to chronic red spots on face that won’t heal easily.

You can treat red spots on your face caused by skin infection with the help of prescribed medication. In case your face has chronic red spots that look worrisome, you can go for medical treatment by visiting your doctor.

9. Underlying infections

Some internal infection in your body might have a consequence of red spots on your face. The common underlying infections that can lead to red spots on skin include the following:

  • Scarlet fever: this is a bacterial infection that causes a sore It can as well lead to red spots on the skin.
  • Herpes: the infection of Herpes virus can lead to the development of cold sores on lips, nose, and These sore are usually red in color but they turn to yellow-whitish after they crust over.
  • STDs: Syphilis, HIV, and HPV are some of the sexually transmitted underlying infection that can lead to red spots on face typically on lips.

10. Other causes

The skin of your face can develop red spots as an effect of other rare causes such as:

  • A side effect of certain medication: the use of strong medication to cure the underlying infection might lead to tiny fat dots on your skin.
  • Heat rash on face: your face can develop heat rash if you are exposed to the hot environmental condition that triggers sweating.
  • Deficiency of nutrients: according to information from Mayo Clinic, your skin can develop red dot due to the deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Red Spots on Face Itchy

What causes itchy red dots on face? This is a common question that can come to your mind when you notice that your face has itchy red spots. This is the appropriate section of the post that will answer your question. Keep reading.

The possible skin conditions that might lead to the formation of itchy red spots on your face include insect bites, injuries, contact dermatitis, boils, Cellulitis, impetigo, chickenpox, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, scarlet fever and skin cancer.

Itchy red spots on your face can be either mild or severe. For the case of severe itchy red spots on your face, this could be a serious skin condition that needs you to visit your doctor for more checkup and treatment.

Red Spots on Face Not Itchy

Not all red spots on your face are itchy. They can also be not itchy. Usually, red spots on the skin of the face that are not itchy could be symptoms of a harmless condition that does not need treatment.  However, you can go for treatment if the red spots that are not itchy on your face are becoming bothersome or affecting your beauty.

Birthmarks and cherry angiomas are common skin conditions that can lead to red spots on your face that are not itchy. Sometimes red spots of acne or pimples may not be itchy unless they are infected by bacteria or fungi

Red Spots on Face Baby

The skin of a baby, infant, toddler or young child is more vulnerable to develop red spots on the face than adults. This is because the baby skin is usually underdeveloped, thin and soft to allow various conditions to cause red spots.

Your baby can develop red spots on face due to any of the causes that are already been discussed in the post. However, the common skin condition that can result to the red spots on the face of the baby includes impetigo, scarlet fever, contact dermatitis, chickenpox, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, Cellulitis, boils, birthmarks, and body staring.

It is advisable that if you notice that your baby, infant, toddler or child has red spots on the face that appear worrisome, you can visit your doctor to help in diagnosis and treatment.

How to get rid of Red spots on Face

Red spots on your face can be removed by using various treatment methods depending on your skin condition. You can use home remedies to remove or reduce small, few or mild red spots on your face that are caused by minor causes such as allergic reaction, birthmarks, angiomas, and small injuries.

Alternatively, you can go for medical treatment by visiting your doctor. Medical treatment can help to treat serious skin conditions that cause red spots on the face such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, insect bites, boils, chickenpox, STDs, scarlet fever, herpes and skin cancer.

Home Remedies

Home remedies can work effectively to remove small or tiny mild red spots on your face that are caused by minor skin condition such as allergic reaction, acne, birthmarks, and cherry angiomas. Here are procedures on how to remove red spots on your face.

1. Aloe Vera

You can use Aloe Vera cream or gel as a remedy that can help to remove red spots on your face. the Aloe Vera has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to treat red spots on your face.

How to use:

  • Wash the affected area of your skin with warm water
  • Pat dry it with a towel
  • Use your hand to apply the Aloe Vera to the affected skin area
  • Allow it to stay on your skin for about 30 minutes before you rinse it off
  • Repeat to apply it three times daily until red spots on your face fade away

2. Lemon juice

Lemon juice is rich in citric acid and vitamin C that can help to clear away red spots on your face. This remedy can help to reduce chronic red spots on your face through bleaching the skin.

How to use:

  • Mix one teaspoon of lemon juice with equal amount of honey
  • Apply this mixture directly to the affected part of your face that has red spots
  • Allow it to stay on your skin for more than 20 minutes before you rinse it off
  • Repeat this treatment twice daily until red spots on face fade away

3. Baking soda

Baking soda is an excellent home remedy that you can use to remove red spots on your face. It has natural bleaching properties that can help to reduce or remove red mark, dots or patches on your face.

How to use:

  • Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with few drops of water to make a paste
  • Apply the paste to the affected skin area
  • Allow it dry
  • Wash your face with cold water
  • Repeat this procedure three times in a day for few weeks until the red spots on your face fade away

4. Olive Oil

You can use olive oil as a remedy that can help to remove red spots on your face. Olive oil has medicinal properties such as antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory that can help to cure red spots on your face.

How to use:

  • Wash your face with lukewarm water
  • Pat dry it with a clean towel
  • Apply the oil to the affected skin area
  • Leave it to stay on your skin for the whole day or night
  • Repeat this steps two times daily until the red spots on face go away

5. Sugar Scrub

The rough texture of sugar scrub can help to exfoliate your skin. This can help to remove red spots on your face.

How to use:

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of white sugar with one teaspoon of raw honey
  • Apply it to the affected skin area
  • Wash your face with warm water
  • This remedy helps to reduce red spots on skin instantly

Medical Treatment

In case you face has chronic red spots that are likely to be caused by serious skin condition such as eczema, psoriasis, cancer, and others, you can go for medical treatment. Visit your doctor to help you on how to remove red spots on your face.

Your doctor will decide the appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan that can help to remove red spots on your face. Some of the treatment method that your doctor might use to solve your skin problem includes the following:

  • Prescription of oral medication that can help to cure the underlying infection such as scarlet fever that causes red spots on your face.
  • Prescription of topical creams that includes bleaching creams that can help to reduce or remove red spots on your face.
  • Laser treatment that involves the use of a beam of strong light to remove malignant cell of cancer that leads to chronic red spots on the affected area.

When to see a Doctor

You can see you doctor over red spots on face if your notice the following complications:

  • If red spots on your face have persisted for more than three weeks without clearing away
  • If your face has chronic or severe itchy red sots that causes a discomfort
  • When red spots on your face are associated with other strange symptoms such as a hard bump, fever, nose bleeding and others
  • When red spots on your face make it appear worrisome and less attractive

Sources and References

  1. Red spots and patches on face: https://www.livestrong.com/article/168077-tiny-red-bumps-all-over-your-face/
  2. Signs and symptoms of red spots on the face: https://www.medicinenet.com/red_spots_on_the_skin/symptoms.htm
  3. Causes of red spots on the face: https://www.skinvision.com/articles/red-spots-on-skin-but-not-itchy-find-out-the-common-causes
  4. Red spots on the face cause: https://www.allure.com/story/red-skin-spots-and-what-they-mean
  5. Red spots and patches on face: https://foreheadcare.com/red-spots-on-face/
  6. How to get rid of red spots on the face: https://www.rewardme.in/beauty/skin-body/article/home-remedies-to-get-rid-of-red-spots-and-patches-of-skin
  7. How remedies for red spots on the face: https://www.rewardme.in/beauty/skin-body/article/home-remedies-to-get-rid-of-red-spots-and-patches-of-skin

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