Various communities from around the world hold and use myths and superstation to explain meanings of right hand itching. However, there are various health conditions that may actually lead to left hand itching. Explore the pictures, causes, signs and symptoms of right hand itching. Also, learn their treatments and home remedies.
Causes of Right Hand Itching
Do you know the causes of itchy palm? According to old traditional myths, itchiness of the right hand is believed to be controlled by supernatural powers and has a specific meaning about your future expectations.
In contrary to old superstitions about itchy hands, there are various scientific approaches that also explain the causes and meaning of itchy palm. This approaches attributed that itchy hand can occur due to medical conditions or disorders that may develop from the following causal agents which include the following:
1. Skin injuries
Physical damage to the skin tissue can be the reason for left or right hand itching. Skin injuries include open cuts, bruises, chemical and thermal burning. Both minor and major skin injuries can result in the itchy skin on the affected parts of the hands.
2. Allergic reaction
The skin of the hand can develop an allergic reaction when it comes into direct in contact with strange substances such as household chemicals, dust and plant poisons or any other harmful substance. Allergic eczema or contact dermatitis and allergic hives are common skin condition which occurs as a result of an allergic reaction and they can lead to itchy hands.
3. Diabetes
Diabetes is a disorder when body system fails to control blood sugar level. This condition is characterized by the itchy skin on the hands and legs. It can also result in red skin rashes, dry scales and cracked itchy skin.
4. Body dehydration
The dehydration of the body can lead to dry and cracked itchy skin on the hands and also on the other parts of the body. The dry and scaly skin on the palm can break easily and cause some irritation that can make you feel a discomfort.
5. Scabies
Scabies is small parasitic mites which can damage skin tissue. They commonly attack fingers, elbow, palm, penis and on any other body parts. The parasitic mites can borrow tiny holes into the skin, reproduce and multiply inside holes they made on the skin. And the most disappointing thing is that it leaves harmful feces into your skin which might cause intense itchiness.
6. Fungal infection
Yeast infection on the skin can also be a reason for right hand itching. Fungal attack on the skin can lead to white, gray, pink or brown itchy spots on the skin of the hands and on the other body parts. Tinea versicolor is a known yeast infection which has a consequence of itchy palm.
7. Side effect of certain medication
Certain medication used in the treatment of some underlying body condition has the side effect of the development of itchy skin on the body. Certain strong antibiotics used to treat some of the underlying medical conditions cause itchy hand after using it.
8. STD’s
Sexually transmitted diseases not only affect genitalia parts but also may cause your palm to itch. Syphilis is one of the STD which may result in painful blisters on the palm which spread to other parts of the body.
9. Body stress
Itchy hands can be felt during the time of stress and fatigue in the body. Stress and anxiety in the body can lead to a change of body hormones which may lead to itchy palms at night. Also, body stress can weaken immune system which can allow a fungal or bacterial attack on the skin to cause itchiness.
10. Bacterial infection
Bacterial infection can lead to painful boils or bumps on the skin of the hands or on any other parts of the body. Boils are itchy red bumps on the skin that may contain pus. These bumps can heal after draining out the pus.
11. Insect Bites
Insect bites on skin tissue are other factors which can result in painful bumps on the skin. A parasitic insect such as mosquitoes, mites, bed bugs and flies contain poisonous saliva which can lead to the itchy skin on the hands or any other parts of the skin. Also, hostile insects like bees and wasp can attack and sting your skin with painful venom.
12. Nutrient deficiency
The deficiency of body nutrients is a predisposing factor which may encourage left or right hand itching. Deficiency of vitamins, protein, mineral salts and energy food can lead to weakened body immune which can allow other opportunistic infections like fungal to affect your skin
13. Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a common skin condition characterized by the intense itchy skin. This condition results in dry and silvery white patches on the skin. Psoriasis can affect the skin of scalp, face, hands or any other parts of the body. This condition can as well cause the skin to itch on the palm.
14. Eczema
This is an autoimmune disorder which can cause an intense itchiness on the palm, face, hands, legs or any other parts. The condition can result in red or pink dry itchy patches on the affected area of the skin.
Right Hand Itching Meaning
What does it mean when the palm of your right hand itches? There are various meaning that is correlated to the itchiness of the right hand. The meaning of itchy skin on the right hand may depend on two major approaches which include traditional superstitions and scientific perspective.
Focus on traditional meaning of right hand itching, there are various superstitions that try to explain how itchy palm may be used to predict your future expectations. The meaning of itchy hands may vary from one geographical place to another.
Some people believe that when your right hand itches, it shows that you are about to get money. According to this superstition, the itching of the right hand is associated with getting money. While the itchiness on the left hand show giving out money.
Furthermore, this myth attributes that you should not scratch your itchy right hand even if it is an intense itchiness. It is believed that if you scratch the palm, it might cancel the future expectation of getting money.
Other mythical beliefs also state that itchy palm of the right hand may show that you are about to get good news or luck in near future time. Good news includes life achievement, fulfilling your objectives, winning of lottery or any other fortune in your life.
Unlike left hand, itchiness is associated with giving out money, bad news or losing something good in your life. However, this mythical believes about right and left hand itching may vary in meaning or even interchanged the meaning basing on the geographical location of the population.
Basing on a scientific or medical view about itchy hands, it attributes that skin irritation can occur due to nerve sensation when some factors affect the normal functioning of skin tissue. Itchy pam can occur due to skin conditions such as allergies, injuries or skin diseases.
Right hand itching might be as a consequence of exposing your skin to irritants and allergens. An irritation may not only occur on your palm but also elsewhere on your body skin affected. The irritation may induce the urge to scratch or rub the affected parts of the skin to ease the irritation.
Moreover, itchy hands can show that you might have a health problem that needs to be treated. In most occasions, itchy palm may be accompanied with peeling palm, red bumps or blister, dry flaky and cracked palm on the hand.
Right Hand Itching Male
Itching of the right hand in the male is always associated with many traditional beliefs. The itchy palm of the right hand is believed to indicate that you are about to get money in your future. This superstition attributed that if you feel an intense itchiness on your right hand palm, never mind to scratch it but instead place your hand in pocket.
Also, itchiness on the right palm is believed to be an indicator of future good news which can be expected in your life. Example of this good news includes; winning games or lottery, fulfilling your objectives, expecting a visitor and any other fortune in your life.
All of these mythical beliefs about itchy hand may vary based on the location of the community and their religious background. For this reason, it may not be a surprise to you when the meaning of itchy right hand is contrary to what you already know.
Basing on the scientific point of view, the itchy hand may occur due to the skin conditions that are already discussed in this post. Some of this factors that may cause the itchiness on the skin of right hand include allergic reaction, injuries, and skin disorders.
Right Hand Itching Female
General itching of the skin is common in the female during the time of pregnancy and menstrual period. At this particular period, there is a wide fluctuation of body hormones which can result in the dry and scaly skin. This can then encourage itchy skin on the hands or on the other parts of the body.
Apart from the change of body hormone during pregnancy and menstrual period, other causes that are already discussed in this post might also be the reason for right hand itching in the female. For emphasis, some of these causes include allergic reaction, injuries, and skin diseases.
According to traditional beliefs, there are various superstitions that try to explain the meaning of itchy palm in the female during pregnancy period. It is believed that the sex of the expected baby can be shown before the time of birth by either right or left itchy palm.
The itchy palm of the right hand in the female during pregnancy may show that there is a possibility of getting a baby boy. While itching of left hand palm is associated with a prediction of getting a girl child. Also, the itchy palm is used to predict whether the process of giving birth will be successful or not.
Superstitions for Right Hand Itching
From traditional approaches about itchy hands, there are various interesting superstitions that explain the meaning of itchy palm. These superstitions may vary from one community to another depending on their geographical location.
Some communities believe strongly that itchy right hand is always an indication that tells that you are expecting money. Some people attribute that in case you develop a feeling of itchy palm, never scratch it but place it inside your pocket slowly and be patient until you get expected money.
Currently, the beliefs about the itchy palm of the right hand still exist. Some people can even go to gamble when they develop a feeling of itchy palm with the expectation of winning lottery or casino games by placing a bet.
Like itchy left palm love superstition, right hand itching also has a meaning of love. Some traditional mythical stories attribute that itchy palm of the right hand can show how you love someone. If you miss meeting the person you really love for quite long time is believed to be the reason for having the itchy palm of the right hand.
Furthermore, the itchy palm of the right hand can be associated with getting good news in your life. Some people strongly believe that itchy palm of the right hand shows that good news or event is about to come in your life.
Occasionally, itchy palm may not only show good news but also bad news. The itchy left hand can be associated with bad news. To stop the expectation of bad news, it is believed that scratching your palm on the woody surface might help to cancel the expectation of bad news in your life.
The meaning of itchy hand may not be similar. However, it can vary depending on your location. Don’t be surprised when the meanings of the itchy right hand may contradict with what you already know. All the superstitions about itchy palm are dynamic and bond to change by time and location.
Experiencing itchy palm once a time may not be a serious skin condition and it can go away without the use of treatment. Occasionally, the intense itchy skin of either right or left hand can really annoy you and make you feel a discomfort.
For the case of intense itchy palm, you can use either home remedies or medical treatment which can help you to get rid itchy hands. Home remedies are a suitable treatment method for mild itchiness on your palm. For serious or intense itchy hands, medical treatment is the best option you can go for by visiting your doctor.
After visiting your doctor, he or she will determine the cause of itchy hand in order to give appropriate treatment plan which can help to ease the itchiness. Some of the treatment methods that your doctor might use include the following:
- Medicinal creams, lotion, and gels: prescription of medicinal ointment can help to soothe and treat itchy skin on the palm.
- Prescription of oral drugs: oral medications such as antibodies and antivirus drugs can be used to help in the treatment of an underlying condition in the body that has an effect of itchy skin on the hands.
- Laser treatment: this is the use of a beam of electrons to treat a skin condition that may cause left or right hand itching.
- Medicinal injections: this is a direct transfer of medicinal drug into the blood system by the help of syringe and needle. This treatment can help to cure the underlying condition that causes itchy palm.
Home remedies
Try the following home remedies which can help to get rid of itchy hands:
- Aloe Vera
You can use Aloe Vera cream, gel or juice as a home remedy for itchy hands. Aloe Vera has antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which can help to soothe and treat itchy skin on your palm.
How to use:
- Use warm water to clean the itchy parts of the hand and dry it off with a washcloth
- Apply the Aloe Vera cream, gel or juice on the affected part of the skin
- Allow it stay on your skin for more than 15 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water
- Repeat this treatment three times per day
- Coconut oil
Coconut oil is the best home remedy which you can use to soothe itchy skin on the hands. Coconut oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory ability which can help to relieve and treat irritation on the skin of the hands. The oil also helps to keep the skin moisten and free from drying up.
How to use:
- Clean the itchy parts of the hand with warm water and dry it off with a towel
- Apply the coconut oil on the affected parts of the skin
- Repeat to apply it three times per day until right hand itching go away
- Baking soda
You can use a baking soda to soothe itchy skin on the hands. The reagent has alkaline pH which can help to kill harmful microorganism on the skin surface that can cause itchiness. The antiseptic nature of baking soda can help to heal open sores on the skin of the hands.
How to use:
- Create a paste of baking soda by mixing one teaspoon of the powder with few drops of water
- Apply the paste on the affected part of the skin
- Allow it to dry before rinsing it off with cold water
- Repeat this treatment twice per day for few weeks
- Lemon juice
You also use lemon juice as a home remedy to get rid of itchy skin on the hands. the citric acid in the lemon juice has an antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant property which can help to soothe and relieve itchy skin on the hands.
How to use:
- Extract lemon juice from fresh lemon fruit
- Apply the juice on the itchy parts of the skin
- Repeat this treatment two times per day for few weeks
- Cold water
Cold water is an excellent home remedy that you can use to soothe itchy skin on the hand. The low temperature of the cold water can help to numb the nerves which help to relieve any pain on the affected area.
How to use:
- Get one cup of ice cold water
- Soak a cotton ball in the ice cold water
- Place the soaked cotton ball on the itchy part of the hard
- Cold compress it several times until left or right hand itching go away
You can also use other home remedies such as the application of honey, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar or any other applicable home remedy which can help to soothe and keep away the irritations on the skin of your hands.
Sources and References
[showhide type=”links” more_text=”Show Sources and References” less_text=”Hide Sources and References”]
- Cause of itchy hands:
- Cause of right hand palm itching:
- meaning of itchy palm of the right hand:
- itchiness in the right hand in male:
- itching of the right hand in female:
- itchy right hand palm and superstition:
- traditional beliefs about itchy palm:
- how to relieve itchy palm:
- treatment of itchy hands:
- home remedies for itchy hands: [/showhide]